Target: Ayame

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Naruto was lying on his back in bed with his hands behind his head. He could hear that the shower was still going and although tempted to join the red-head decided to allow her to freshen up alone. He had a huge smile on his face due to how well his life had been going as of late. It turned a little lecherous as he thought of Tayuya, who upon getting out of bed had begun stretching her recently repaired muscles. When she had bent over to touch her toes while facing away from him, it had been all he could do not to leap from the bed and bury himself inside of her. When she straightened back up she had a little half-smile on her lips telling him that she knew what she had been doing to him.

As he laid there he knew he owed the Kyuubi something as a way of saying thanks so made his way into the seal. As he stepped in front of the bars he heard her say, "Enjoy your latest conquest?"

"Yes," Naruto replied as he heard her footsteps in the water signaling her approach.

"Do you want something else?" Kyuubi asked.

"Well it wasn't my original reason for coming here but now that you mention it. If the others agree can you give them that mark?"

"Easily," Kyuubi replied, "Actually you should tell the Senju that you need some more time off for training."

"What sort of training?"

"On how to put your mark on your conquests, and how to best use it," Kyuubi said.

Naruto nodded before saying, "Okay, but what exactly will it entail?"

"Well the first part of the training will be in how to place the mark," Kyuubi answered. "After that, well I will train you in how to sense its location and finally how to teleport yourself to it."

"Wait, you mean this jutsu can lead to the Hiraishin," Naruto exclaimed shocked. "That was the Fourth Hokage's technique."

"Yes, but Hiraishin is nothing more than a variation of summoning. Basically you summon yourself to wherever a previously placed seal is. In this case, the seal you will be putting on your conquests."

"If it's so simple why is it considered one of the most fearsome techniques out there?"

"Because for one, you humans make mountains out of a mole hills rather often, they see a man moving about a battlefield rather quickly decimating their forces and they don't stop to consider how he is doing it till later."

"But how do you know it?"

"I faced him in battle remember, and I've had sixteen years to think about my defeat as well as the techniques that he used. Besides there is a man out there who has mastered space-time jutsu to an even greater degree than your Fourth."

"Thanks," Naruto said excited to be learning another move so closely associated with his hero. Calming himself, he asked, "Who is this second man?"

Kyuubi looked away biting her lip considering whether or not to tell Naruto. Deciding against it for now, since it would lead to many other questions that in turn could possibly cause her to reveal her own origins said, "Pray you never meet him."

Guessing that Kyuubi had her own trust issues to deal with, Naruto concentrated turning the seal into a replica of his apartment. The bars of the cage still remained and were where his door usually would have resided. Moving towards his leather chair he sat down and asked, "Are you wearing any undergarments under that kimono?" Kyuubi shook her head no, causing him to say, "Can you make some for yourself?"

Confused, she nodded holding a hand out; red chakra coalesced into a pair of red bikini panties. In the front, the material was clear accept for where it would cover her vagina, there the material was darker and in the shape of the fox mark that Naruto was beginning to see as his brand so to speak. "Good, very nice," Naruto said pleased, "Now put them on."

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