Target: Yuugao

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Ayame was standing beneath the warm spray of the shower humming contently to herself. Having dreamed of a night like the previous one for years, she was pleased to find that the reality had completely blown them out of the water. It was quite early and even though all she wanted to do was curl up next to her lover and sleep. She was forced out of bed by the realities of running a small restaurant, as the early morning hours were essential to making it through the day, especially with a customer with such a voracious appetite as Naruto.

She smiled as she thought of what she had learned that morning namely that having a shinobi for a lover meant getting out of bed without waking him was difficult. When she had attempted to get out of the bed he had hugged her close telling her to stay with him. Although so very tempted to do so, she had told him that she couldn't. When he had pouted at her, she had laughed and after kissing him multiple times had told him that she needed to go in order to prepare for his eventual arrival at the stand. Naruto accepted the reality of having a lover with a civilian job, and therefore stricter hours by which she needed to get things done so had let her out of the bed.

Ayame turned the water off and after drying herself off stepped out of the bathroom to see Naruto sleeping again. She couldn't help the little 'aw' that escaped her lips as he snored gently as he looked too adorable to her. Gently folding her dress, she placed it into a bag and dressed in her waitress uniform before leaving the room. Exiting the hotel, she was surprised to find a beautiful blonde woman waiting out front who said, "Was he everything you dreamed he would be?"

Not sure who it was confronting her Ayame said, "Sorry, you must have me mistaken with someone else."

"Oh I don't think so Ayame," the blonde said.

"Who are you?"

"Picture me older with two-pigtails running down my back," the blonde said.

Doing as instructed she suddenly pictured the Hokage standing before her. "I'm sorry La..." she tried to say but found Tsunade's hand clamped over her mouth.

"Please don't cause a fuss," Tsunade said quietly glad it was so early, "When I look like this I'm free to move about as I please. Don't ruin it."

Ayame nodded and after Tsunade removed her hand she asked, "So what should I call you?"

"Tsunade is fine," she replied but when Ayame arched an eyebrow she added, "Tsunade is the fourth most common name for girls in Konoha. Just don't make a fuss and people won't put two and two together."

"Okay. Um... may I ask what it is you want?"

"Well judging by the early hour, I suspect Naruto didn't have time to tell you more than the basics of what you have become a part of," Tsunade said.

Ayame nodded saying, "Do you mind if we talk on our way to Ichiraku?" Tsunade didn't, so the two women began making their way to the stand. "He told me about how this all started and what he plans to accomplish," Ayame said, wishing there was something she could contribute besides making ramen.

"Well there are quite a few little details he's left out," Tsunade said. But before filling the waitress in on the rest asked, "By the way, I know things probably sort of just happened, but are you taking any contraceptives?"

Tsunade didn't need the waitress to say anything as her eyes suddenly grew wide causing the older woman to laugh gently. "I can't believe I didn't think of that," she said beginning to worry considering the number of times Naruto had cum inside her.

"Relax," Tsunade said, "I can use the after morning jutsu once we get to the shop. Also, simply see me once a month and I can use a jutsu to prevent pregnancy. After we get you a little practice you'll be able to do it yourself."

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