Last Days

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It had been a long time since Tsunade had felt the desire to drink until the world became a spinning blur and she was too drunk to stand. But this day would be one. The reason being that at least then the pain she was feeling would also be numbed. She heard laughter coming from a bar as she passed outside the front of it and paused a moment to look inside feeling drawn like a magnet. Yet, she tore her eyes away to look up at the brightly shining moon in the cloudless sky before moving once more, less she give in to the temptation. It did become easier though as more laughter erupted as it felt almost mocking considering how she felt so miserable. Even the fact that it was a truly beautiful night seemed out of place since she felt it should be raining if only to hide the tears that leaked from her eyes occasional despite her holding them back.

She wiped her palm against her eye to remove one such tear as she fought the emotional pain she was feeling. In order that she could at least look the part of a Hokage who needed to perform the duty of informing those with the need to know that someone they cared about had fallen. Having performed the duty many times, she could honestly say that although each time did come with its own set of emotions. This was the first time it hurt her personally to have to be the one to deliver the news.

Staring up at the moon she thought sadly, "And everything was going so well," before allowing her mind to wander to recent events as her feet carried her to her destination.


The Past: 2 weeks prior

Tsunade sat behind her desk as she read a file the Head of the Torture and Interrogation Department had placed on her desk. The man stood waiting for her to finish with his hands clapped behind his back. Turning to the last page she grimaced as it had the name and pictures of the prisoners that had managed to escape during the riot. Her pained look was due to the one that Ibiki had listed first, Mizuki.

Ibiki guessing at her reaction said, "That he managed to slip by is troubling, especially considering it was likely from his body that Akame was able to recreate the animal curse mark. More troubling is the fact that all of the rebels finished research into it has also gone missing."

"I take it you believe Mizuki has it?"

Ibiki nodded glumly as he replied, "Yes. As a person that was at the very least a research specimen, he would have known where most of the research was done on the punishment level. Plus, we know for a fact that he pointed the Brothers at Konoha to cover his escape. Considering that Seven wasn't too gentle when she opened the entrance to the secret tunnel leading from the prison. I theorize that Mizuki while looking for some bargaining chip to barter his way into a hidden village likely stumbled on to the tunnel. But in the end it doesn't matter how he got out, only that he is out there."

Tsunade nodded grimly, as she was quite aware of Mizuki's hatred for her lover. Ibiki surprised her a moment later though as he requested, "Lady Hokage, I'd like permission to have some men watch over his lover Tsubaki."

"Wouldn't that be ex-lover?"

Ibiki shrugged noncommittally as he answered, "Perhaps, but she may still have strong feelings for him. Or at the very least Mizuki may harbor some for her."

"That seems rather hard to believe considering what we're hearing from some of the females that joined with him."

"You're referring to how he had used the women that joined him as sex objects in exchange for his protection." Tsunade inclined her head prompting the Jounin to respond, "Be that as it may, he may still harbor some form of attachment if only a type of possessiveness that she is his woman. I still feel it is worth a shot. Even the Inuzuka have found no hint of where he may have gone."

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