Birth of the Ero-Ninja and First Target:Ino

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Naruto had a knack for finding trouble. He was two and a half years into his training trip
with the Perv he called a teacher. The Pervy Sage was off gallivanting with some prostitutes leaving Naruto to his own devices, which was how he got caught up in defending a man being strung up in a tree in the forest near the village they were staying in. The man had been chased to that spot by several ronin samurai most likely in the employ of the local governor.
Naruto was simply minding his own business when he came across the scene. The lead samurai said, "You'll never touch the Governor's wife again scum."

"Look fellas this is all one big misunderstanding," the man said sounding rather calm considering the situation, "besides leaving a hot piece of tail like that is a crime. Your governor should really think about losing some weight to solve that erectile dysfunction he suffers from."

The lead samurai growled angrily before saying, "Very well cur, prepare for oblivion."

The samurai was just about to have his men pull the rope taunt when the man seeing Naruto said, "Ah apprentice just in time to save your master."

The lead samurai and his men spun to confront Naruto, seeing the blonde the leader said turning back, "Ha this boy is going...?" He trailed off noticing that the man was gone and in his place hung a silly looking doll with a note attached to it. Glancing at the note, which read, "Better luck next time." The samurai rounded on Naruto shouting, "Where is he boy?"

"How should I know?" Naruto shouted right back, "I've never seen him before."

About then one of the other samurai said, "Don't lie to us he said you where his apprentice?"

"Well he lied to you," Naruto said taking a step back as the samurai all pulled their swords.

"Regardless, because of you he escaped, so you will take his punishment."

"Hey now, hold up...what did he even do?"

"He slept with the governor's wife. Now die," the samurai said charging. Luckily for Naruto the men were not the Samurai that lived in the Land of Iron so the blonde made short work of them.

After entering the village he passed a café which was when he heard, "Ah apprentice."
Turning towards the sound he growled seeing the man that he had inadvertently helped escape from the governor's justice earlier. He was about to launch himself at the man, but he quickly held up his hands saying, "Whoa, look sorry about earlier but I have a strong aversion to dying." He could tell Naruto was still on the verge of attacking so said, "Look at least let me make it up to you. Let me apologize to you by buying you dinner."

"Fair enough," Naruto said before sitting down and ordering half the menu. After eating his fill Naruto said, "Thanks mister..."

"Kanji," the man supplied amused.

"Well thanks, I guess you aren't such a bastard after all," Naruto said standing.

"Hold up a moment," Kanji said, "There is one other way I would like to apologize and that is by making you my apprentice."

"Thanks and all but I already am learning from someone and no offense, but if you needed help escaping from those weaklings I'm probably a lot stronger than you."

Kanji chuckled saying, "Oh I wouldn't doubt that. But my strengths don't really lie in battle, but in the bedroom. Tell me do you know why those men were after me."

Naruto nodded saying, "You got to fresh with the governor's wife."

"Ha, that's a wonderfully naïve way of putting it," Kanji said his tone riff with amusement, "In truth I fucked her six ways from Sunday and she loved every moment of it. So much so that for the past year she has been slowly bleeding the fat bastard dry of his money and giving it to me."

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