Expanding Territories: Yugakure

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Tsume sat in the outdoor baths of Konoha as she attended the meeting of the Allied Mom Force, or more accurately the after meeting of it. She had accepted Kushina's invite to attend, although in truth only because of it being related to learning more about her lover's jutsu. She had been rather terse with the red-headed Uzumaki simply stating that she would attend after Kushina had explained how they wished to see how Ibara would react should more of Naruto's lovers surround her. The female Uzumaki had tried to make some small talk, but Tsume had simply cut her off stating that she had got what she wanted so could leave. Kushina had obviously not been pleased by her being so coldly dismissed, but not wishing to push her into changing her mind had simply left.

It had been a choice that suited Tsume just fine as she truly hadn't wished to hash out their differences at the time. Those differences had centered around one person, namely Mikoto Uchiha. Yet, despite how upset she was at Naruto's mother for her friendship with the Uchiha, she was surprised that she hadn't been all that upset at her lover making the Uchiha a member of his harem. Although, she did admit that she had experienced a little trouble at the idea of including her in the new description that Naruto's used for describing the harem, The Family. Still, Mikoto starting a relationship with Naruto had not bothered her strangely enough. She suspected that at least in part it was due to the notion that it had likely only been a matter of time. She after all knew just how potent and strong a draw her lover gave off due to his pheromones. Yet, while Kiyomi had indeed modified them, that modification had simply been to give them a greater effectiveness at a distance, the Bijuu hadn't actually altered the chemical make-up of them any further than that.

As a result, Tsume, a woman who lived and died by her senses, could fully understand the draw Naruto had on any woman that he spent time with. After all, from her senses most people were an open book to her, an ability she deliberately tapped down when around others. When she deeply looked at Naruto though using her senses, it was her sense of smell that told her just how virile and powerful he truly was. It was her sense of sight which told her that despite all the power that he wielded, just how gentle and caring he was due to the way his eyes lit up when around those he cared for, or reflected how deeply he wished to help those around him through how he carried himself. It was also through her sense of touch that his gentle nature in regards to his lovers and her came through as his hands, which could and had shattered bones, only caressed her in the gentlest of ways. Well outside of training or when she wanted to be fucked roughly. With hearing, Tsume could only hear his genuine love and affection for each woman that now found themselves to be a member of his family. As for taste, that Tsume admitted didn't play to his gentle nature but like smell conveyed the power lying just beneath the surface. However unlike his scent, her sense of taste did not convey his strength like a gentle promise of a strong mate as whenever Tsume tasted his skin, lips, or drank a load of his seed it was like a spike hammered into her brain that she had made a wise decision by accepting him as a lover.

So, she could understand why Mikoto Uchiha and she now shared a connection with the same man. She had put a collar around her neck for him after all. Still, in the grand scheme of things she would admit that didn't exactly mean she had expected a lot of interactions along the more sexual side of things with the Uchiha. In fact, Tsume had fully expected that they would have treated one another like members of a family that avoided each other at gatherings.

Yet, it had been those same senses that in the past had led Tsume not to trust Mikoto or really any Uchiha for that matter. And knowing what she did now, she suspected the reason was because most Uchiha always gave her the impression that their loyalty lied elsewhere and not with the people they were to call comrades, unless those comrades were other Uchiha. Not to mention they had tended to view the Inuzuka as a vastly inferior clan. Naturally there were outliers here or there that her senses told her were different. But, Mikoto had not been one of them. Or more accurately, she had straddled the line far too closely for her liking. A truth highlighted by the fact that even though Mikoto had alerted the Third of the Uchiha's impending rebellion, she had ultimately sided with her clan.

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