Target: Karin

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A pleasant sensation was what pulled Naruto from his dozing. Blinking groggily as he awoke from the dream of being ridden by a beautiful blonde, he realized that it was due to the young and beautiful blond woman currently riding him although in a more demure fashion than the blonde in his dream even though they were the same woman. From the way Shiho was slowly moving her hips Naruto guessed that at some point he had fallen asleep with his half-hard cock still inside her. Most likely as a result of the dream he had returned to full mast inside her which had woken her from her own slumber and she decided to take advantage. Or the dream had been a result of her wanting to pick up where they had left off. In either case Naruto believed it was a great way to start the day.

Moving his hands to her hips, it was obvious she was surprised by his rejoining the waking world. Startled as she was, her body went tense including her velvet grip around his cock. After groaning in pleasure, he focused on her face and saw that she appeared a little worried over her taking the intuitive. To put her at ease he sealed his lips to hers in a kiss that sent tingles through her body that he could feel as a result of their being connected. Sitting back in the chair he smiled saying, "Now this is a great way to wake up."

Relaxing Shiho replied, "Yes, I just couldn't stop myself...I was afraid you..."

Kissing her again Naruto decided to let his actions do the talking so as they made out. He lifted her hips up and then slid her down his manhood causing Shiho to moan into his mouth. Repeating several times she got the hint and soon began aiding him by placing her feet on the ground in order to raise and lower herself. However just as the two were beginning to lose themselves to the pleasure of their actions the sound of voices approaching began to be heard. Shiho head whipped towards the door so fast Naruto feared that she had broken her neck. "Shit," she said as she attempted to pull away from him due to her coworkers approaching.

Naruto though simply pulled her close causing her to say, "Nar..." but the rest was swallowed as the two disappeared in a red flash.


Yurika stepped into the office a moment later followed by a few of her office mates and was a little surprised by the smell of the room. One of the younger male analyst asked, "What's that smell?"

Not surprised that her coworker didn't recognize it since even though in his late teens members of the Cryptanalyst Department tended to hold onto their virginity a little longer than most shinobi. Still she was surprised when a mousy looking female of the same age said, "It smells like someone was getting busy in here." The woman blushed upon realizing she was talking out loud and quickly moved to her desk.

"Come on," the man said moving to his own, "The last one here last night was Shiho. She wouldn't know what to do with a man even if he came with instructions."

Moving to her own desk, Yurika said defending her friend, "Like you're in a position to talk." However she was forced to admit the man made a good point as she said, "Anyhow it's probably just something that the vents carried in from another room." But Yurika paused to wonder if the idea of Shiho taking a lover was so farfetched, as she noticed her romance novel lying on her desk forgotten.


Appearing in Naruto's apartment the two still connected lovers fell to the ground due to Naruto's being in a sitting position when he teleported. Falling onto his back Shiho fell on top of him driving his cock even further inside her. Moaning out loud as a result, Shiho was about to pick up where they left off when she noticed a pair of orange eyes peeking out at her from beneath the sheets on the bed. Sitting back in fear she moaned again due to her impaling herself on Naruto's manhood.

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