Target: Mabui

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Komachi looked down at Naruto and the kunoichi from Suna that she had spent the night with. She smiled softly still an unfamiliar gesture for her face, but one she imagined would become a regular feature. Yet for the moment she would need to give off the appearances of the emotionless killer for a while longer. She headed to the door to leave as she needed to return to her Root duties since she worked sixteen hours a day. A rather easy feat when one had no friends or outside life. Looking back at the bed, she placed a hand over her pelvis sensing the mark on her pussy lips that she had asked Naruto to place on her. After she attended to her duties, she would meet up with Naruto again to have the seal in her mouth modified.

Once she was out in the hall, she slipped out of the apartment building like a shadow and headed towards the Uchiha district. Entering a building that had used to house a bakery, she moved to the back and pressed a button housed under a wooden table were the dough for bread had been prepared. A corner section of the floor dropped down half an inch before sliding to the side as it exposed a staircase. She quickly descended as the entrance closed itself behind herand stepped out into a cavernous area that the Uchiha had planned to use in their rebellion. She didn't know if the cavern had existed before the founding of Konoha or if the Uchiha had created it. But she did know that Danzou had expanded it greatly adding a tunnel to his home as well as several that led outside of the village.

Reporting in to a Root commander, she learned that she was scheduled to relieve one of the two shinobi assigned to watch over Danzou. Heading down the tunnel she nodded to the man she was to relieve and wordless took his place as he stepped away. She waited outside the door for over an hour until it opened revealing the elevator car as Danzou stepped out followed by Towa, who had relieved the man who had been guarding where the elevator opened up in the mansion. Danzou didn't acknowledge her presence as she fell into step behind him, next to Towa, nor did she expect him too. Entering the main section of the cavern again, she was somewhat surprised to see Joseki waiting for them. Guessing he had been let in via the Uchiha district entrance, she supposed it didn't matter if he knew where Root was based only that he wasn't seen talking to Danzou.

"Elder Joseki," Danzou said tilting his head, "I trust you have reconsidered allowing this Maki to live."

"I told you Danzou. I will not sacrifice my people."

"But she is no longer your people." Danzou said with a shrug. "It is foolish sentiment like that which is what will lead to your downfall. Perhaps mine as well since I cannot move against the jinchuriki without implicating you. While that may hold some appeal to me in the future, it is only a hindrance now. "

Joseki scowled as he said, "Which is why moving against Maki would also cause us problems. She is smart enough to cover her bases and I'm sure if something happens to her. She'll have set up some way to implicate me. She'll come around again."

"As you wish, but I doubt you wished to meet just to tell me to stay away from your people."

"I recognize that I have made a mistake, so I've come to inform you that I have taken steps to find some other way to have the shinobi of the Training Force recalled."

Danzou leaned forward on his cane in interest and said, "Do tell."

"One of the servants in my home is in actuality a long-term spy from Kumo. They are unaware that I've made him one of my puppets so trust the information I've let leak out over the years."

Danzou chuckled amused as he said, "No doubt information that has weakened your enemies. Yet, how does this make up for your blunder. They've known about the Training Force for months."

Joseki scowled but didn't respond to the barb as he answered, "True, but I've let it slip that all these maneuvers are in preparation for an invasion of Kumo."

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