Target: Koyuki + bonus

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Koharu was sweating heavily, but it wasn't for the reason she had gotten used to lately. That reason generally being her on the receiving end of a good hard fucking from her lover. No, the reason Koharu was sweating now was due to her hanging around a lava pit at whose center sat the Leaf Maximum Security Prison. She was dressed in a skin tight bodysuit which was separated around the midsection. Covering her head was a shinobi mask that also kept her hair in check and covered.

It had taken her most of the day slowly moving along the rock face that surrounded the prison. Her hopes were to get inside of it, but to do that had required her reaching her current position undetected by nightfall. That being right underneath the portion of the drawbridge that hung over the rim of the crater and was the only way in and out of the prison. Having achieved her goal, she was simply waiting for them to lower the bridge to let out the civilian administrators for the night. Above her, the elder and deaged member of Naruto's harem could hear the sound of the chunin guards as they walked the edge of the crater.

Although the actual guards were all shinobi, many of whom were stationed in the prison for months at a time. It was civilians that handled many of the lesser and often bureaucratic tasks such as the office work. As such it provided a small window of opportunity to gain access to the prison. One she had been aware of for years and had even tried to shut down demanding the civilians stay on the site like the shinobi. However, now she was glad Sarutobi had told her no while claiming there was no need to subject civilians to such a harsh working environment for such extended periods. Still she took a perverse sense of pleasure from knowing she was right.

Hearing the sound of gears beginning to turn as the bridge began to lower down towards the prison, she amended her thoughts to admit that she wasn't in the prison yet. Once lowered into place, she sprung from her hiding spot running along beneath the drawbridge upside down as the outgoing civilians left the facility. She reached the end and waited for the much slower civilians to complete their own journeys. While she waited she heard the front gate of the prison slam shut and then the drawbridge began to rise into place once more. Riding it up she waited until she could see the top of the wall that surrounded the prison before leaping from the bridge to it. Landing smoothly on the walkway, she ducked into a nearby shadow cast by a guard tower to plan her next moves.

Due to the time there were plenty of shadows for her to make her way closer to the central building where the prisoners were kept. From her vantage point she could see the prisoners assigned to hard labor entering the facility that housed their cells.

Off to the side of the prison sat a large mansion that was where the warden as well as many of the off duty shinobi guards stayed. Directing her gaze back to the building that was her target she found the square looking building to be quite imposing. It was also located almost at the exact center away from the wall that surrounded it and from where she was currently staring at it from.

She ran a quick sweep along the wall to make sure none of the guards pacing the top of it were a threat. From the lazy way they walked, she knew it would be a while before they made their way towards her. She also reasoned it was near a shift change for them and contemplated waiting until then to make her move. However, she couldn't be sure how long that would be since the warden didn't send such information to the village. Partly as a security measure, but Koharu also had a sense that some other reason was behind it.

The warden, a man named Iwana Akame, had taken over the prison sometime after the breakout engineered by Mizuki. He had been recommended by Danzou to which both she and Homura had quickly supported. Tsunade had been against the man's appointment. At the time Koharu had suspected it was due to his well documented dislike of Naruto, as he had been one of the men assigned to track the boy down when he had been tricked into taking the scroll of sealing. If she had to guess, he had also been one of the men that Sarutobi had felt the need to mention that the boy was to be brought back unharmed.

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