"Well take a seat," Louis says pointing at the chair he wants me to sit in. I nod once and walk over to it. Oh how I wish to be eating with Harry, ot just be with Harry. I sigh, holding in my tears. I'm annoyed with myself for wanting to cry every two minutes because it's tiring. But then again I just look around to see Harry not by side and I don't care if crying gets me tired. Images of his beaten face, bare feet and puffy lips enter my mind-

"You must be hungry then?" Louis says as he takes his own seat, the seat at the end of the table.

I nod once and look down at my fingers as I'm seated in my chair. "Louis I can't do this," I say quietly, looking up to him. I know how many times he's asked me to drop the subject of not wanting to belong to him, but this isn't right and therefore I won't let it go. Louis and I don't belong to each other and we never will.

I look up to him and he stares at me with his emotionless face and then looks to his plate, shaking his head and tsking at me.

"I've had enough of your bullshit..." He murmurs a bit loudly. 

I gasp as he quickly gets up and off his seat and walks over to me yanking me up by my arm. He pushes me into the wall; his breathing loud and his eyes hold a look of wildness and anger. "Didn't I tell you to cut the shit?... didn't I?" Louis asks bringing my body forward then pushing it back in the wall. I wince, I'm so very weak right now, in the mind and in physique, I've certainly lost weight due to not eating right. I literally can't handle this right now.

My eyes start to water but I hum at him as well as nod my head with much shame. He did ask me to, cut the shit.

"Then why do I keep hearing you talk about it? Huh?" He asks pressing his thumb onto that one bone that pops out around everyone's elbow, my funny bone. 

"Just stop," I cry. I'm too exhausted to be abused some more right now. 

"No, no! Because I don't think you get it Gisele! You're here! You're with me! He's gone! He's never to be with you again, do you understand?" Louis spits at me. 

I know I should nod for my own good, but I don't. I shake my head. I don't care about my own good. I want to be with him and I will go through endless amounts of pain to get that across Louis' mind.

"God Damnit!" Louis yells bringing me to him and then pushing me on to the floor. I shriek loudly when my head hits the wall. 

Louis comes down on me. His legs right beside my hips and his hands have collected my wrists, pinning them down to the sides of head. He squeezes them tightly and then looks me in my eyes, my watery and frightful eyes. 

His gaze leaves mine after a short moment and he looks over to my wrists. "You're making me do this," he sighs. 

I let my tears continue to fall due to the amount of pain on my head from hitting the wall and to the fact that I'm not making Louis do anything whatsoever. 

He loosens his grip on my wrists and brings his right pointer finger to wipe a tear of mine away, I flinch at his touch and he steams up all over again. 

"What is it? What is it that makes you despise me? I can be just as good as he, if not better! I'm more suitable for you Gisele... Why can't you get that?" He leans down to my ear, his lips brushing my lobe and making me shudder and sob all the more. "I can take you everywhere you like, buy you whatever you like, let you do whatever you like. I know Harry kept you locked up in that home and I promise I won't do that to you..." he says then starts to kiss below my ear, I shudder again and try to wiggle away from him but he grabs my wrists with one hand and lays them on top of my chest. His grip is so tight on my hands that I can't even move a finger. 

"Why wouldn't you want that?" He questions slowly, moving his lips against my skin. 

"You're not want who I want," I dare to say aloud. "Harry-"

And before I can say another word about my romance with Harry, Louis let's go of my wrists and sends a harsh smack to my cheek. I hold onto the burning flesh as my head turns to my right. He has actually hit me. 

Louis gets off me and stands to his feet. He licks his two fingers and brushes his hair back. "Get up," he demands. 

I turn over to my stomach, in a crawling position as I try to get away from him using one elbow to maneuver myself in the dinning hall. My other hand holding onto my cheek. 

"I said get up!" Louis yells, grabbing my ankles and bringing me to him. He raises my body, getting me into a sitting position while I'm still on the ground, my legs between his knees. He grabs onto my forearms. "This is how you treat me? I've been nothing but nice to you!" He yells, a drop of his spit landing on my upper lip. I brush away my tears and force myself to stop crying as he just stays above my lap, looking at me. 

I don’t know how but I only have to rely on hope that Harry will come for me. I shake my head slowly; it will be entirely impossible for me to escape. Also, it took me a short moment to realize that I can't seem weak anymore, because if I do he will only continue to take advantage. "I'm sorry," I apologize. 

"And what is it you're exactly sorry for?" Louis asks, tilting his head. He isn't shocked by my apology but then again what do I know? I've never even seen him smile and you can't trust someone who has never smiled... but then again I've never smiled with him.   

"For bringing it all up, please let's eat, I'm starving" I say quietly, looking him in the eye.

Louis smirks, accepting my vague apology. He gets off my lap and dusts his shoulders. I struggle to get up but finally make my way to the dinning table and sit in my seat. 

Louis grabs a cloth and tucks it in the collar of his shirt. "Will you slice me a piece of chicken, dear?" 

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