"Brandon, I feel like you're not telling me everything. I know the only reason you don't want to move is not just your kids and wife. There's something else bothering you."

"I don't want to loose you mom." I said, tears filling up my eyes.

"Brandon." She said, opening her arms. I slid into her arms, hugging her tightly and crying into her shoulder. Once I calmed down, I wiped my eyes and pulled away.

"I don't want to move away mom. I don't want to loose these last few years I have with you. If I move, I'll barley see you."

"Oh honey, we can always Skype or talk on the phone." She said, pushing my hair out of my face.

"It's not the same."

"We'll figure out a way Brandon. For now, just focus on this decision and decide what's best for you, your career and your family."

"Brandon, make sure this is a solid deal. Make sure there's no strings attached. I'd hate for you to move your whole family halfway across the country and then get cheated."

"I will dad." I said with a smile.

"I love you." My mom said, kissing my nose.

"I love you too mom." I said, hugging her. I hugged my dad and told him I loved him before going back out to my car.

That didn't make my decision any easier.

*A Few Days Later*

"Alex! I'm freaking out! Mr. James is coming to see me tomorrow and expects a decision! If not, i don't get the job!" I exclaimed, pacing around the house.

"Brandon, come sit down." She said, patting the empty spot next to her on the couch. I chewed on my lip before walking over and sitting down. "Easy way to fix your problem." She said, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. "Pros and cons list. Start naming some reasons why it would be good to take the job."

"Well, the house, the cars, the money, the practice and a change of scenery."

"Now cons."

"Leaving family, uprooting the kids, leaving everything we've ever known, trying to find our way and make it in a brand new city, hell, state, possibly worsening the girls' depression, dragging the kids away from their friends, loosing precious time with family."

"There you go." She said, showing me the list.

"I hate making this decision." I groaned, tugging on my hair.

"Brandon, I think it'd be best if we stayed here, and you know that." She said, pointing to the paper.

"I'm going to get some sleep." I said, standing up and walking up the stairs.

*The Next Day*

"Come in!" I called as someone knocked on my door.

"Brandon!" Mr. James exclaimed as he walked in.

"Hey Mr. James." I said, shaking his hand as he sat down.

"So, have you made a decision? Are you going to come work for me?"

"Just a few questions for you before I answer."

"Go ahead."

"What would my hours look like?"

"Eight to seven, Mondays through Fridays. Nine to five on weekends."

"Really? Because here I get weekends off, eight to six on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and whenever to whenever on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"I'm sorry Brandon, I can;t budge, maybe I can get you Sundays off?"

"Next question? Is all this just a tease? Would I really get the raise, the house and the cars right away. And be honest, my family's life depends on this."

"Well, of course you'd get the money right off the bat but then have to work yourself up to earning that same amount full time."

"Last question, how much vacation would I get?"


"I get ten here."

"I can't go anymore then seven."

"I'm sorry Mr. James, but I'm staying right where I belong. In Los Angeles, California. Thank you for the offer though."

"Brandon, you don't know what you're missing out on."

"Oh, I think I do, none of that is worth uprooting my family just to be disapointed. Goodbye Mr. James." I said, pointing out the door. He grumbled as he walked out of my office.


When I got home later that day, I said hi to the kids and ran into the kitchen, sweeping Alex off of her feet and spinning around.

"Woah!" She giggled, clutching onto me. "What are you so happy about?" She asked as I put her down.

"We're staying in LA baby!" She squealed and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my god Brandon! What made you turn it down?"

"What's the point of uprooting my family and giving them a big house and nice cars if I can't even see them? I have a much better deal here. He wanted me to work from eight to seven on weekdays and nine to five on weekends. I'd get five vacation days and I'd have to work my way up to that three times my salary bullcrap."

"You made the right decision babe." She giggled, kissing my lips.

"Let's invite everyone over! We'll have a big barbeque in the back yard and I can tell everyone the great news."

"It's a little late for barbeque, let's just invite everyone for dinner. I'll cook and you call everyone." She said and I nodded, runnign to the stiars.

"KIDS! GET DRESSED! WE'RE LETTING EVERYONE KNOW THAT WER'E STAYING IN LA!" I heard the girls scream as they ran downstairs. They jumped onto me, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you so much daddy!" Danielle exclaimed, crying into my shoulder. I put them back on their feet and picked up the boys as they ran to me.

"We're staying?" Eli asked.

"Yeah! We're not moving!" The boys cheered as they ran back upstairs.


I stood up and cleared my throat, getting everybody's attention. We had invited my parents, Alex's parents, the rest of BVB, Hunter and his family, Ethan and his family, my sisters and their families, Hannah and her parents and even Chris and his parents joined us.

"So, today I had to make a tough decision. I got offered a job in Austin, Texas about two weeks ago and today was the deadline for my decision."

"Brandon." Blade spoke up, tears in her eyes. "Please..." I smiled at her.

"I didn't take the job." Everyone cheered as Blade ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Thank god." She said, sobbing into my shoulder.

"Still attatched to me." I laughed.

"Forever." She said, kissing my cheek and going back to her seat.


When my dad announced he wasn't taking the job, Chris looked over at me with wide eyes and I nodded. He hugged me tightly and kissed my lips.

"I'm so glad you're staying here."

"So am I."


Did he make the right decision? Or should he have taken the job?

Listening to Radioactive~ Imagine Dragons and Hot N' Cold~ Katy Perry


Lost It All (Sequel To Lost In Stereo) {4} [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें