Chapter 43: The Final Preparation for the Holy War

Start from the beginning


David POV

"So our trinity are so determined to win the war. ", smiled Cheska as her, Yuki, Ranseim, and I are now staying on the front lines of the Heavenly Army here on Earth. "That makes me more fired to to burn these horned idiots to ashes!"

"War again..  huh? ", said Yuki while cracking her knuckles. "I'll show those demonic creatures who they are messing with! "

"David, how about we make this an opportunity for another rivalry contest? ", said Ranseim as he planted his Excalibur on the ground.

I sighed, "Okay. I just hope it wont be too embarassing."

"Lets kill demons and count them!  The most number to kill them wins! And the loser will have to treat us to a party. How's that!? "

"If its about killing demons. ", I tapped the hilts of my sword on my back.  "That will be a side dish."

"That's true. Our main dish to cook is Bahamut. And I am sure my Angelica will blast that lizard to a crispy dragon cuisine!", said Cheska as her fist were suddenly glowing with flames.

The four of us laughed and stared at the vast army below us. Millions of angelic warriors have gathered there as front line soldiers.

"We have all planned through this several times. ", said Cheska seriously.  "There is no possible way we could lose now, unless Bahamut and his minions have an ace up their sleeves still unknown to us."

"They probably do.. but if the worst case scenario happened, I have a plan. ", I said and they all looked confused.

"Dont worry guys.", I said and folded my arms. "I and Ranseim had trained Tyron to a level far beyond your expectations. You'll see what I mean tomorrow when he fights Bahamut. "

"No.  I strongly believe that Angelica and Flugek will perform the final blow. ", said Yuki firmly.

"No.  It will be Tyron for sure. ", said Ranseim and then they started teasing each other of what side would grasp the ultimate victory.

Cheska smiled at me and we held hands together.

"Honey,  the same as always. ", she smiled warmly.  "We always got each other's back. "

"Yeah. ", I nodded. "I swear with my life that we shall win this war no matter what it takes. "

"Oniichan, preparations are ready. ", said Mina as she teleported behind us. "Medical and support team are now on their position. All humans have been put to sleep and were deported to the Heavenly Palace for safekeeping under the legendary Archangel Merrehen. Also, we have detected a massive uproar on the depths of hell. We suspect that Bahamut and his legion of demons are now about to strike. Are you guys ready? "

I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.

Mina grinned and put her hands on her waist, "You never change at all, dear brother. I hope that with that smile of yours,  we can taste victory once more. "

I swear I will protect everyone while making sure that they can all shine while everyone fights valiantly at war.

As much as possible..  I didn't want to use that transformation that I told Tyron about. 

Because once I used it, it would mean that there is a bad omen that we will lose this war and I will have to use my trump card as desperate need calls.

And I swear to make sure that my beloved daughter will survive no matter what.

Ouroboros, I know his existence within Angelica's powers. Angelica still might not have known it..  but I almost sacrificed my life just to convince Ouroboros to protect my daughter in exchange of me sparing his life on a death battle we had years ago. I almost died that time because of such extraordinary level of powers that can surely level Bahamut. Luckily, I made him convinced to lose to Angelica on purpose and everything went according to plan. At least I know  there will be someone so strong by her side to protect her when she is cornered to a tight pinch or pushed to the verge of death.

That's how I love her so much..

So as a Father and a husband, my main concern on this war is Angelica and Cheska.

I will protect them all even if it means my death with Yuki, Ranseim,  and Tyron, as my second priority.

A horn sounded furiously on the distance and every hair on my body stood on its end.



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