Chapter Forty Three

Start from the beginning

"Weird how they'd host prom on such glorious event." Kurt laughed with him.

"We could just ditch prom. We could celebrate your birthday at home instead. Or we could take the weekend off to head to New York." Blaine shrugged.

"I'd actually like to be here for prom." Kurt said. "Last year I went alone and it felt like the lamest thing ever. But now you're here and you look great in a suit and I'd like to show you off."

"I look great in a suit?" Blaine asked. "God, my mom would be proud of that."

"How is your mom?" Kurt asked.

"She's good." Blaine shrugged. "She's dealing with my dad's company right now while he's in rehab. It's kind of confusing."

"I'm glad you guys are okay again." Kurt admitted.

"Me too." Blaine nodded.

He could tell there was something Kurt wasn't telling him. He got this stoic expression on his face and he got kind of quiet.

Usually at times like this was when he was thinking about his mom. Every time he got like this, it was always about her. Like he wanted to share but he couldn't.

Because he wanted these memories to himself.

"I know what your thinking." Kurt sighed, catching Blaine's eyes.

"I'm not thinking about anything." Blaine lied.

"I can see it on your face." Kurt said. "You know me too well."

"I have to." Blaine sighed. "I want to help, you know?"

"I know you do." Kurt nodded.

"Then what is it?" Blaine asked.

Kurt let out a long breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. He didn't know how to talk about things like this. He'd never had to before he'd met Blaine.

"I just feel like... once I'm in New York, I'll be leaving her behind." Kurt admitted.


"She's here. Every memory that I've ever had of her is here. And what if I start to forget?" Kurt asked, tears threatening his eyes.

"You're not going to forget. Why don't you tell me something about her so I can remind you?" Blaine asked.

Kurt let out another breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. He'd never had to tell people about his mom. He liked keeping the memories to himself. But this was Blaine.

"She used to make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world." Kurt said. "After she died, my dad tried to make them and he screwed the recipe up so badly that I haven't had them since."

"Do you still have the recipe?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, why?" Kurt asked.

"So I can make them for you. I am pretty good in the kitchen if I do say so myself." Blaine smiled.

"You'd do that for me?" Kurt asked.

"Of course I would." Blaine nodded.

"I am so lucky to have you." Kurt sighed. "Mom would of loved you."

"Oh really?" Blaine asked.

"Anyone who treats her little boy like a king, deserves her blessing." Kurt nodded.

"I wish I could of met her. She sounds like a wonderful woman." Blaine said, kissing Kurt softly.

"She was." Kurt whispered, looking like he had enough talk about her for one day.

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