Chapter Thirteen

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Not So Stereotypical
Chapter Thirteen: Queen

*Quick Author's Note* I seriously think you should consider listening to Taking Chances (Glee cast version) when you get to the part where it says that Rachel is singing that for the last song at the Sadie Hawkins dance. You'll understand my feeling when I was writing the part with Kurt and Blaine. When it gets all up beat in the song is when I just had the feeling that people wouldn't get the way I'm trying to take on that part of the story if they didn't listen to it. So I really encourage you listen to it. Great song. Great Kurt and Blaine moment if you can just picture it. If you listen to it while reading please let me know in the comments, I'd like to hear what you were thinking while reading the part. Thanks everyone for reading.

"Come on Blaine. If you don't step out of this car right now you'll be late." His aunt said.

"I'm not really interested in-"

"I know you're nervous but as soon as you meet her, you'll love her." She said and they walked into Breadstix. "Judy!"

There was a blonde women standing next to a table where her daughter sat. Blaine couldn't see her face. All he knew was she was blonde like her mother. When he reached the table and sat down his eyes bugged out of his head.

"Quinn?" He asked.

"Blaine?" She asked. "But you're-"

"Shhh..." Blaine said, putting a finger to his lips.

"Oh goody! You two know each other." His aunt smiled.

"Um yeah. We go to school together." Quinn said.

"And you didn't have your eye on this one?" His aunt asked.

"I already told you I wasn't interested in any of the girls." Blaine muttered.

"Well you two have fun. We'll be back in a few hours." Judy smiled.

"What the hell Blaine?" Quinn asked. "You're dating Kurt."

"She doesn't know I'm gay and she is so homophobic. She's so rich that she could bring my family's company down and take our house and make us live on the streets. I'm not about to disobey her." Blaine said.

"And what does Kurt think about this?" She asked.

"I promised him it was just this one date. Now that I know it's you, it kind of makes things easier." Blaine laughed nervously.

"So I'm like your beard for the night?" She asked.

"I'm so sorry. You don't have to do this. We can leave now." Blaine said quickly.

"No. I think doing this would make my mom think I have interests in someone again. She hates seeing me alone and it's annoying. She's always trying to set me up on dates." Quinn sighed.

"So we're good then?" He asked.

"Yeah." She nodded and they both smiled.

"If I had to choose a beard... Don't tell Santana this but you'd probably be it. My aunt like loves you." Blaine laughed.

"So she doesn't even have the slightest clue that you're in fact into men?" She laughed too.

"Nope. No idea." He smiled.

"So tell me about Kurt. I'm sure you too have gotten pretty close over the past few weeks." She said sipping from her straw.

"Yeah we're close. If only my aunt new the things we've done in my bedroom." He smirked and Quinn burst out laughing.

"Just imagine what she'd say if she found you two in a promising position." She grinned.

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