Chapter Eleven

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Eleven: New York

In dedication to Cory Monteith. May that beautiful, tall, awkward, actor, Canadian, drummer person, rest in peace.

"You don't want to leave tomorrow." Blaine said, laying next to Kurt with his eyes closed.

"I love it here Blaine. I really do." Kurt sighed.

"Only seven more months Kurt. Then you finally can come back. We're not even thinking about colleges yet." Blaine said.

"I know." Kurt said.

"So. What do you want to do on this last day we're here?" Blaine asked sitting up.

"I want to go see a broadway show." Kurt smiled.

"That sounds great." Blaine laughed softly. "Wicked?"

"Of course Wicked!" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Right." Blaine nodded and smiled at his beautiful boyfriend.

"Come on. Get your coat on." Kurt nudged him and they both got off the bed to bundle up.

"That's the only thing I hate about New York. It's freezing here!" Blaine complained as they made their way on to the street.

"You'll get used to it." Kurt shrugged.

"Yeah." Blaine laughed.

They walked the whole way to the theatre. Once they both got their tickets and found their seats they were already starting to warm up.

"This is going to be amazing." Kurt smiled.

"Well I know how much you love Broadway." Blaine smiled back.

"I love you." Kurt smiled. "You are such an amazing person Blaine."

"I love you too." Blaine let a little tear escape his eye and gently kissed his boyfriend. Before they knew it the show was starting.

Kurt was enjoying it all. He would sing along to the songs and recite lines. He looked so happy just because of this little show.

Blaine enjoyed the show too but his gaze kept turning to Kurt. He loved how happy he was. It made the whole room brighter to see him like that.

Suddenly Blaine was reaching for Kurt's hand and he put the other arm around Kurt's shoulder. Kurt laid his head down on Blaine's shoulder and it was just comfortable to be like that.

Blaine felt so comfortable with Kurt. He just needed to come out and tell everybody that he was gay. That they could kiss his ass if they laid a finger on Kurt. He wanted this. He needed people to know that Kurt was his. Proudly so.

"That's going to be me one day." Kurt smiled. His eyes were glassed over with tears.

"And that's going to be me." Blaine said, pointing down at a man in the front row, looking lovingly at his partner on stage.

"I can't wait." Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine softly.

After the show was over they walked around the city for a while. They stopped at a few different places and bought a few things.

"You know what?" Blaine asked, looking ahead at a gift shop.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"I totally want to be that cheesy tourist who buys an 'I heart New York' t-shirt." Blaine laughed and dragged Kurt to the shop.

Blaine looked around and finally grabbed a medium shirt that said, 'I <3 NY'. Kurt laughed at him as he payed for it too.

"You are such a tourist Blaine Anderson." Kurt laughed.

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