Chapter Twenty

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Twenty: Always Be Pretending

A/N: Pretending on replay peeps! Hopefully this turns out as epic as I want it to...


"Hey Blaine." Rachel said, walking up to him as soon as he walked into the school.

"Hi." Blaine narrowed his eyebrows.

"I need to talk to you about tonight..." She said.

"Right." Blaine nodded and followed her to the auditorium containing a few more of the Glee kids.

"So, costumes." Rachel said taking out the rack. Tina custom made all of these. Skinny jeans, white button up shirts, and red ties for the boys. White dresses with red belts, black boots, and plaid pattern bows for hair. "Why so specific?"

"These were the colors Kurt wore when we met." Blaine smiled a little.

"Now, the music." Rachel said turning to Santana.

"I got the kid that runs the sound booth to play your already recorded music done by the band for Glee club." Santana said.

"And Finn and you know your parts?" Blaine asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't mess this up for Kurt." Finn said. "And you know your part."

"I wrote the song, of course I do." Blaine smiled.

"We got some of the science nerds to make those walls for the costume change too." Puck said.

"And you guys know you have to be really quick with the change right?" Blaine asked.

"We've practiced, we've got it down." Tina nodded.

"Great." Blaine smiled.

"Hey." Kurt called from the auditorium entrance. "I was told I'd find you here."

"Yeah." Blaine said, walking to his boyfriend.

"You were gone before I woke up." Kurt said, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

"Sorry, I had some things to take care of." Blaine said kissing Kurt softly.

"Warn me next time I won't wake up next to you." Kurt whispered.

"After today, I'm all yours." Blaine smiled.

"What is your obsession about today?" Kurt asked.

"Big game tonight Kurt. We have to win to get into the championships." Blaine half lied.

"Just be careful, okay?" Kurt asked, walking to the door.

"Yes. I will." Blaine nodded.

"I have to go give my report to Mrs. Himwood. I'll catch up with you later?" Kurt asked.

"Of course." Blaine smiled.

"Bye." Kurt smiled back and left the auditorium.

"You guys really do love each other." Finn said.

"Yeah." Blaine blushed. "Now everything has to go right tonight and I'll show him how much."

"We'll make sure everything will go just as planned. We talked to Sam and he's suppose to throw you the ball so you can make the touch down. It all depends on if you can run fast enough." Finn said.

"This really means a lot to me guys." Blaine said. "I've had a lot of shit thrown at me in the past week and this will probably down my rep even more but it's worth it."

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