Chapter Twenty Four

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Twenty Four: Leaving

"Are you sure you have everything?" Kurt asked, hesitantly.

"Kurt we double checked like five times. I'm all set." Blaine said.

"I'm sorry, I'm stalling." Kurt sighed.

"It's okay." Blaine smiled softly. "I'll miss you too, but I'll see you tomorrow."

"I've just gotten used to the fact that you'd be the first thing I see when I wake up every morning." Kurt said.

"That'll happen again. It's just a couple months Kurt. Then we'll get our own place and we can sleep in the same bed whenever we want." Blaine said, rubbing circles on Kurt's cheek with his thumb.

"I love you." Kurt said, softly placing a kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

"I love you too." Blaine smiled into the kiss.

"You'll call me as soon as you get there?" Kurt asked.

"Of course I will." Blaine said. "You don't even have to ask."

"Drive safe okay?" Kurt practically whispered.

"I will." Blaine nodded, opening his door.

"See you soon." Kurt said.

Blaine sighed and pulled Kurt into his arms for a comforting hug. As much as he knew he needed to leave he still wanted to stay as long as he could.

"I'll call you." Blaine nodded, jumping in his truck and starting the engine.

Kurt waved at him the whole way while he went down the driveway. He didn't even want to turn the corner because Kurt was at the end of the driveway still watching him and that broke his heart.

"Hey kiddo, what are you doing out here?" Burt called to his son at the end of the driveway.

"He's gone." Kurt said, still looking at the corner where Blaine had been only moments ago.

"He left already?" Burt asked.

"Yeah." Kurt nodded, not wanting to talk about it. He already missed him enough and he'd only been gone for not even five minutes.

"It's not like he's gone forever." Burt patted him on the back.

"How do I know that though? This could be the first step to him leaving me." Kurt said.

"Hey, I don't want you thinking like that. No son of mine is a quiter. You're strong, and if that day really comes you know what you have to do." Burt said.

"Let him go?" Kurt whispered.

"Keep him as long as you can." Burt sighed. "You're always going to take time for granted. Everyone does. God knows I did with your mom."

"Would you go back if you could?" He asked.

"Not for even a second." Burt said. "I would of loved to have her stick around for a while longer. For one more argument. Ten more minutes. With her. That's all I'd ask for. Now think about how long you want Blaine for because time can easily take him away from you."

"What if I want to be selfish and say forever?" Kurt asked.

"Then be selfish Kurt. He's the love of your life. If that's true then you shouldn't have to be selfish about it. You just know that he's suppose to stay with you for the long haul." Burt shrugged.

"I love you dad." Kurt sighed and was engulfed in one of his father's bear hugs. Even though he felt like suffocating sometimes, he still loved the comfort that came with those hugs.

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