~ One ~

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I really wanted to make a Yoongi Fanfiction because he's just so cute!! And, well... he's my bias ;) I hope you guys like this!

 he's my bias ;) I hope you guys like this!

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You leaned your head against the airplane window, exhaling. Your breath fogged up the glass and you used your sleeve to wipe it off.

You were returning home after Thanksgiving. Your mother was so glad to see you, hugging you and and asking how you had been. You responded with "fine," because you always responded with fine, even though you really were not.

It was nice, you guessed. Family and friends smiling and talking and laughing and eating. You ate small portions, forced yourself to smile. You weren't okay, but you assured everyone you were, because the last thing you needed was for your family to worry.

You heard that your favorite K-Pop band, BTS, had held a concert in your hometown. It was too bad you couldn't show up, but family came first. You brought it up once, but your cousin whined "Oh, that stupid group again!" which made you shut up. You loved BTS, but some people just didn't understand. They weren't just "Some Korean Group," they were life savers. Making music that could make you smile, actually smile, like you hadn't done in years.

Calling them "Some Korean Group" was like somebody in Korea calling Five Seconds Of Summer "Some American Group." It would offend some people, and some people would call it racist. But the other way around... how was that alright?

People were beginning to board the plane now, finding seats behind and in front of you. You basically curled up into a ball in the seat, waiting for departure. You just wanted to go back home and curl up under the blankets, alone and secure in your own home. There were too many people on this plane, risks of a panic attack were high. You tried to hold yourself together, though. It was only a three hour flight, and you could listen to music for the most of it.

"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?"

You looked up to see Min Yoongi, better known by his stage name Suga, standing in front of you. You tried to reply, but no words came out. Suga from BTS was asking to sit next to you. For THREE. FUCKING. HOURS.

Holy shit. Holy motherfucking shit. Oh my fucking Jesus fucking Christ fucking fucking shit fuck.

"No! I'm alone!" You blurted, a little louder then you should have. You pulled your bag away from the seat and he sat down. Your heart was beating faster and faster. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

"Thanks." He said, and he sat down. You could basically feel him next to you. You pressed yourself up against the window as much as you could, trying to take up as little space as possible.

"You don't have to do that, you know. Just get comfortable." He said. You turned and he was looking right at you. You nodded and got a little more relaxed, keeping your gaze on the window.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now