Part II-21

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Coming home I noticed the house was very quiet. Usually Cyn is blasting music and doing what she normally does. That's what I loved about her. She's crazy but she's never boring to be around.

"Baby?" I yelled. I waited and nothing. Hmm... going upstairs and looking through the room I see her clothes are still here. At least she didn't go anywhere. She probably went out I'll just wait until she comes back.


"Are you kidding me?" I walk in to see Cyn and jasmine and our kids just watching a movie.

"What?" They both said in unison.

"It's near damn 9, isn't Landon worried about you?" I asked.

"Nope. He can rot for all I care" Cyn said with attitude. "But it is getting late. So I'm going to bed" she got up and made her way upstairs.

"Where is she going?. Her house is down the street" I asked looking at jasmine.

"Well I told her what happened and she decided to stay here until she cools down". This is why I knew her telling her this was a bad idea.

"And let me guess Landon doesn't know she's here right?". Jasmine smirked and shook her head. Face palming myself. This drama was so unnecessary.

Knowing Landon he's going to blow up my phone any minute now. And I'm telling him where she is cause this drama has to end.

"The kids love that their titi is here, right?" She asked.

"YES! why can't Titi live here?" Leliani asked.

Shaking my head I went upstairs this whole thing was going to be bad once Landon comes and tried to take Cyn back home. I honestly didn't want to deal with it so I just stayed upstairs and tried to sleep.


The next morning we all woke up and decided to make breakfast. Plus, my kids wanted to help make the eggs. Placing the bowl on the table they both sat at the end of the bowl waiting for me to hand them the egg to crack.

"Please make sure none of the shell goes in the bowl" I said handing them the egg.

"We know Mommy" Julissa said.

"What's for breakfast? I'm hungry" Cyn came into the kitchen. She instantly went to the cabinet and grabbed a fruit roll up.

"Mommy why is titi eating my food?!" Julissa asked. Clearly she was getting upset. The mean mug she was giving Cyn was priceless.

"Daddy can buy you more, Julissa" Cyn smiled taking a bite out of the fruit roll up.

Rolling my eyes I handed the girls a spoon to mix the eggs. JR came strolling into the kitchen and stopped sudden.

"You know I thought having Cyn here was a dream but I can see now it wasn't" he sighed.

"Oh you acting like you don't like having me here" Cyn stuffed her mouth with the fruit roll up.

"Landon is probably going to stop by here today since he knows you're here" JR poured himself a cup of coffee.

"You told him? Why couldn't you let him worry?" Cyn mean mugged JR.

"He's my friend a very good friend. I would hate to see him suffer or hurt. So just be ready for when he comes cause you are going home today" he smiled as he walked out the kitchen.

"Damn, I'm still upset at Landon. I don't want him thinking what he did doesn't have any consequences".

Later on...

Coming from the bathroom I hear JR talking to someone. The voice is obviously familiar too. Turning the corner I see Landon standing there looking beyond furious.

JR glanced at me "guess who's here to retrieve his pregnant girlfriend?" He smiled.

"Hey Landon how's life?" I waved. He glanced at me
And rolled his eyes.

"Can you get Cyn for me?" jR asked me. I nodded and made my way upstairs. Nevermind my kids were sitting in the living room watching there cartoons.

Knocking on the door which I don't know why I have to knock when it's my house but whatever.  She opened the door "What?".

"Your boo is downstairs and he wants to talk to you" we walked to the middle of the walkway to the stairs.

"There's Nothing to talk about what he did is some fuck boy shit". We stopped mid way that Landon could see us.

"Cyn baby come on!. We need to talk" he pleaded.

"About what? You for what you wanted, right?" She flipped her hair waiting for her response.

"No! Listen can we talk in private all this yelling isn't going to get us anywhere".

"Why didn't you tell me what you did? Why do I have to hear it from my cousin?" She asked.

"She overheard us talking and I was going to tell you eventually but I didn't want to upset you as well".

Cyn shook her head knowing he was lying. "You know what SUCK MY DICK" she screamed as she walked back to the room slamming the door shut.

My kids looked at their dad with their mouth open. "Ooo... she said a bad word" Julissa whispered.

"You have to fix this and take her home. This drama
I don't need my kids seeing" JR said.

"This is jasmine's fault so she should fix this. Her mouth got us in this situation".

"Uh Uh no see don't blame me because you was not going to tell Cyn anything. Shit, you didn't tell her and she's been pregnant for a while now. So don't go trying to blame me for doing the right thing. Now you need to get your boo back".

JR stood there with his hand over his face. Landon just stared at me as if he could murder me he would.

"Now I can help you out and see if I can get her to maybe meet up with you so you both can talk it out. And you should be thankful because after what you did I shouldn't even be doing this".

Landon shook his head and walked out the door. JR just turned me and didn't say anything. "What?!".

"You need to start minding your business" he started walking to the living room.

"She's my cousin... if she found out I knew and I didn't say anything she would hate me. She's family at the end of the day".

"I honestly don't want to talk about this" he fanned me away.

"Hmm maybe we should talk about why you still have Amanda's  number in your phone" I stood there with my hand on my hip.

"I already told you I don't have her number stored anymore. Now on her end I can't control what she does".

"That's a weak ass excuse. You know what because our kids are here I'm going to walk away from this situation before I start yelling".

JR face palmed himself and stayed in that position while I made my way upstairs and joining Cyn in the room making sure she's okay.

I feel like this chapter was a little boring but it was more lit in my mind... hmm 🤔

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