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"Landon leave Jasmine alone please!" He has been harassing her ever since he got in here.

"I'm not bothering her at all, right?" He turned to Jasmine who was stuffing her face as usual.

"No, I wasn't even paying him any mind" she laughed.

"See!. Always hating on me when I'm around your girl" Landon said.

"You both are driving me crazy. At least Jasmine can't help it since she's pregnant but you Landon you should know better".

"Anyway I heard Amanda came through yesterday". I really didn't want to talk about this. Looking over at Jasmine who now seemed interested.

"Baby can you give us some privacy?" I kindly asked. She nodded and made her way upstairs to our bedroom. Once I heard the door shut my attention went back on Landon.

"Yeah she came in being rude to Jasmine which made Jasmine become a beast. But she was calm though".

"What did she say?" Landon is such a gossiper.

"You know how the baby is due in November and etc. She really didn't get much out because she noticed Jasmine's stomach and lost concentration".

"She didn't know jasmine was pregnant?!. Damn, this is some love and hip hop shit".

"You watch that?" I asked him.

"Sometimes. But damn!. So what happened?".

"Well this is when Jasmine chimed in and started getting mouthy. Which led to Amanda giving up and leaving".

"See I knew I liked jasmine. Girl, can fight for her own".

"You've been watching way too many love and hip hop" I joked.

"You know I was thinking... what if this baby really wasn't yours and she paid someone to rig the test. I don't want you being a Kanye west Gold digger song".

"She's not that smart. Plus, for her to pay anyone to do anything is beyond her".

"Yeah but remember she's going to be getting money from you now. So why not pay someone and get the money back".

"I hate the fact you may be right!. I knew I should've never messed around with her". Something was off about her when I first met her but because I just wanted to hit and dip I didn't care.

"I'll do my research and make some calls and if I find anything I'll let you know. So when is the baby shower?".

"Baby shower?. Damn forgot about that too. Does she really need one?". I didn't know any of this. This was all new to me.

"Are you serious?!. Of course she needs one. It's her first... you know you have to celebrate that. I would say your first but due to your circumstances it won't be".

Mean mugging Landon for the low blow he just sent my way. "Like I told Jasmine I'll tell you. Amanda's child will not be my first. Seeing Jasmine bringing my two girls into this world will be my first".

"If you say so. But if anything involve your family in on that baby shower. It'll be nice since she doesn't have family here in California. Do you know if she has family still on NY?".

"Good question. She doesn't talk about her family except her grandmother who died. Her parents are dead as well due to a drunk driver. So i don't know". He was right though I don't really know about jasmine's family.

"You really aren't nosey huh?" Landon seemed surprised.

"Anyway I'll call my mom later and see if she wants to help to throw Jasmine a baby shower".

"Trust me when I say it'll help you guys out a lot. Not that you don't need it but remember you are having two babies at once. So it's double everything".

"You know a lot about this and you don't have any kids".

"I did my research just incase I got pinned to a someone claiming I'm the father. But instead you got that claim" he laughed.

"Babyyyyy" jasmine called from upstairs. I got up and made my way to our bedroom.

"What's wrong?. Hungry again?" I joked.

"No, I don't feel good. I think I have a fever" she looked sick.

"Let me check" thank god for me having a thermometer in the house. She lifted her tongue and I put the thermometer and let it sit for a minute. I took it out and it read 99.7.

"You have a fever but it isn't high. And you can't really take anything but Tylenol". Hopefully Landon didn't leave I need his help. "Landon! Come up here".

He walked into the room "damn she looks sick".
I turned to him and shook my head.

"Listen since you know so much. How high does her temp have to be before she has to go to the hospital?".

"Usually once it hits 100 she has to go in. How high is it now?". I put the thermometer back under her tongue and checked it. 99.8

"It went up to 99.8". Now I'm worried.

"Yeah I would take her in before you know it it'll be 100.3". I nodded and helped jasmine out of bed and walked her downstairs. Grabbing a bottle of water so incase she gets thirsty.

"You'll be okay, princess. Trust me. I won't let anything bad happen to you or our kids". I put my foot on the gas and sped up to the hospital.

"Welcome to Montifore Hospital how can I help you?" The front receptionist asked.

"My girlfriend is six months pregnant and she's not feeling too good along with a fever of 99.8".

"Follow me please". I put Jasmine in a wheel chair and wheeled her into a room. "Please change into this gown and get into the bed.

"I just want my babies to be okay" Jasmine softly said.

"They'll be fine. Baby. Okay just relax and before you know it you'll be home". She smiled.

"Alright miss we are going to hook up this belt to your stomach to monitor your babies to make sure they are fine. And also we will start you on an IV with Tylenol to get this temp down" the nurse smiled.

I sat there just watching Jasmine she looked nervous but she was putting on a brave face.

"So once this IV is finished I'll come back to check your temp and then if everything is okay I will send you home".

Jasmine nodded.

"Sorry this happened. I know you were doing work" Jasmine said.

"Baby don't blame yourself. And as along as you three are safe that's all I care about". Standing up and placing a kiss on her forehead.

About five hours later, the nurse cleared Jasmine to go home. But also made sure to know drink lots of fluids and watch what she eats from now on.

I made sure once we got home that we both went to bed and I held onto her and my kids.

Since I'm dying my boyfriend felt bad and offered to buy me things. I couldn't even react because my cramps were trying to murder me 😩😩

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