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Jasmine POV

Working for JR for a couple of months i started making some acquaintances here.

"Good morning Jasmine" a coworker yelled out. I raised my arm and waved back. Making my way back to my desk with my breakfast. I was starving like crazy.

"Jasmine what's up?. When the boss comes out give him these papers" his secretary place the papers on my desk and walked away. I don't get why she does here half the time...

Hearing his door opening...

"Jasmine my office, now" he winked as he walked back inside leaving the door open a little. I smiled to myself and quickly made my way inside. Closing the door and turning around I got caught by surprise when he kissed me.

This has been us lately. We've already blessed his office many many times.

"JR not here... this office is filled today with people" I warned.

"So what?. I'm the boss I do what I want" he started kissing my neck.

"Well you ain't doing nothing with me today mister" pushing him off of me. Straightening my clothes and fixing my hair. A wind of dizziness hit me causing me to close my eyes and lean against the wall.

This has to be the tenth time this is happening to me.

"You okay?" He grabbed me and sat me down.

I nodded "just a little dizzy". He moved my hair from my face and fanned some air into my face.

"I'm good, whew I don't know where that comes from". Taking in a deep breathe and letting it go slowly.

"Did you eat this morning?" He asked.

"Yeah of course I ate. Maybe my blood pressure is a little low. I don't know" I shrugged.

"Just take it easy for the rest of day. Don't need anything happening to my princess".

"I'm fine, trust me" reassuring him. I got up and made my way out of his office before I got dizzy again.

Once our work day was over we both went home where I started dinner. Music blaring as I sang along with most of the songs. But when my song came on I was in a complete trance "hello ego" by jhene aiko with Chris brown was my jam.


Jasmine was in rare form singing along with her music. I learned to let her be or I'll get hit with the spatula. Landon came over for some bro time. Plus, he finds Jasmine entertaining.

"So this is how she cooks dinner every night?" Landon asked licking his lips.

"Down boy. She's taken and yes. It's a show every time" I smiled.

"Damn you're lucky. Can't find women like her around here. I need an east coast girl".

"Aren't you married?. Trouble in paradise already?".

"Not really but you know me I can't keep these hands to myself" he laughed.

I shook my head at his craziness.

"How was it?" He asked me while still watching Jasmine sing her heart out.

"How was what?".

"You know... was it what you expected or better?".

"Landon I don't kiss and tell. And I'm not going to tell you anything of how Jasmine is".

"Damn, I thought we were friends" he put his hand on his chest as if he was offended.

"Yeah, but when it comes to her I'm not sharing at all she's all mine and she knows it".

"Possessive much?. Sharing is caring".

Jasmine came out the kitchen some minutes later and placed our foods on the table. She wasn't eating tonight?. Weird.

"There you go. Spanish food tonight. And Landon I don't know if you can handle spicy so I made it a little more mild for you" she smiled.

"I can handle anything" he said. I cleared my throat causing him to look away from her.

"Baby you aren't eating how come?" I asked.

"Not feeling too well today. After getting that dizzy spell. I grew a fever and my stomach is killing me".

"Do you want to go to the hospital?".

"No, I'm just going to do my home remedies to see if that works".

"Okay, but if you get worse we are going to the hospital".

She nodded and went upstairs.

Hopefully she gets better. I would hate to see her miserable and in pain.

"I'm just going to ask... because I have a feeling. Please tell me you guys are using protection when are fucking like rabbits".

"Umm... not really".

"That's not like you man!. You always wrap it up. Did you forget or something?".

"No, just didn't feel the need to. She's clean and so am I".

"Did she spike your food because your acting stupid!. What if she ends up pregnant then what?".

"If she does than she does. So what?". Landon was sure being that concerned friend tonight.

"So what?. You got to be kidding me?".

"Maybe I want kids. I'm 31, I'm not getting any younger. And I want to settle down and have a family".

Landon got up and felt my head "just making sure you aren't running a fever as well".

"I'm fine Landon sit down!. But real talk I want a family of my own. A wife and kids to come home to would be nice".

"Wow this girl actually changed you.. I can't believe it". He sat there in disbelief.

Our conversation was interrupted when we heard the door upstairs open and Jasmine running to the bathroom.

We sat there quiet until we saw her walking from the bathroom with her hand over her mouth. She looked sick.

"Well you can say your wish might be coming true. I would take her to the doctor tomorrow. To make sure she isn't pregnant" Landon suggested.

Giving him a look and looking back at the room upstairs.

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