Part II-9

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I was so tired and it was killing me. Maybe I should kill Landon now or later?. This is his fault!. He couldn't keep his hands off of me. I swear my birth control was on point. I took those damn pills everyday. 99.9% my ass!.

"Baby are you okay?" Landon came up to me with a huge smile on his face.

"What does it look like?". His whole existence was bothering me at the moment.

"Mood swings already?" He asked.

"Shouldn't you be in your seat?" I asked him.

"Landon you are going to have so much fun with her for the next 9 months" Jasmine chimed in.

Mean mugging Jasmine and rolling my eyes at Landon I turned back around. I need to get some food asap.

"Keep being mean to him and your baby will resemble him" Jasmine warned.

"Yeah okay, that shit ain't true!". She always believes the most craziest things.

"How did this happen?. And when I mean how not the sex part".

"He can't keep his hands off of me!. No lie we had sex like two times a day. And I would usually fight him off but damn he's good at what he does. Like you don't even want to know. I thought I was a freak... well that white boy over there is not human".

Jasmine looked disgusted but she's the one who wanted to know.

"Wait?. Weren't you on the pill?. You took that shot religiously".

"Exactly, what I was saying. Unless I'm that 1% that got pregnant anyway. My luck right". Turning to look out the plane window to see mountains. Beautiful tall mountains.


Talk about excitement. I'm going to be a dad. I would never think I would be a dad. I guess it takes the right woman for that to happen. After getting attitude from Cyn I made my way to JR.

"How cute!" JR had one of the twins on his chest as she slept. I slid myself next to him just to chat.

"So how do you feel about becoming a father?" JR asked.

"I'm excited to say the least" I smiled.

"I'm surprised it happened so fast. You know how your girl is".

"Well she was on birth control so I guess that didn't fully work out" I mumbled quickly.

"If she was birth control how did she get pregnant?" JR was starting to get nosey now.

"Well I took two pills out of her package and replaced it with some candies. But you can't say nothing!".

"Are you crazy?!" He whispered loudly.

"What?. I wanted to make sure she's mine and no one else's. Is that a crime?" I asked.

"She's going to murder you if she ever finds out. Why would you even do this?". Didn't I just tell him.

"Because I love her. She belongs with me. Now she's pregnant and miserable but that'll pass".

JR just sat there shaking his head and glancing at me every few seconds. What?. Was I wrong with what I did?. I love her with everything. And I want her with me. But knowing how she is she wouldn't have moved with me willingly. Being pregnant I convinced her it would be a smart move.

"I can't believe you". I shrugged in response. The damage is done already. And my plan is working as well.


Staring at Landon in disbelief. This isn't the man I knew all these years. Now if Jasmine finds out she's going to get mad at me for knowing. This is all I needed at the moment. Not like I don't have my own problems to deal with when I get home.

"I don't know anything. Do not involve me". Landon smiled and got up and walked away. Cyn is going to kill us both.

"Daddy how much longer?" Leilani asked me.

"Soon. When we are going to land I'll let you know okay?".

She nodded.

I couldn't wait for my family to be home with me. That's what I've been missing this whole time. The girls room were ready. I know they'll love it once they finally see it.

The Amanda situation will also be handled. But first before I even be bothered by that I'll bring Jasmine and the girls to see my mom. I know today she's having a little get together. She knows of the girls but she's excited to finally meet them.

Once Jasmine left... my mom chewed my ear off about it. The one woman she actually liked and now I was wrong for letting her leave. My mom at one point didn't talk to me for a whole month.

Looking down at my chest I watched Julissa as she slept. Just admiring her features. On how much she resembles the both of us. Damn, makes me want another one.

Damn, Landon what did you do!. Is all I can think to myself. Just me knowing makes me involved. I wanted to face palm myself but I couldn't.


Poor Cyn... felt bad for her. Being pregnant could be a lot for someone. And for Cyn it was going to be a lot. This girl was all about her body. And now that tummy is going to grow. She should be able to snap back after birth.

Figuring I needed to get up and stretch my legs I walked over to where my girls were sitting. Looking over I see Julissa sleeping on JR and Leilani was on her iPad.

"She fell asleep right after we pulled off" JR smiled.

"Yeah, she's the easy on when we go on trips. But this one here she'll be up the whole entire time".

"I can see that. But she's quiet though". I glanced over at her iPad to see she's watching cartoons.

"Just wanted to make sure you were good with them". He stared at me for a moment.

"When we get home. My mom wants us to stop by she made food and wants to meet these two". The last time I saw JR mom is when we did... well you know.

"Okay, good cause I'm hungry and I know they will be too".

"You look beautiful today... well everyday but today you look even more".

Looking at myself and then back at him "I look like shit but if you say so".

Turning around and walking back to my seat only to see Cyn dogging a bag of peanuts. Which made me smile.

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