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It's been a tough week. Jasmine hasn't been talking to me that much since she and her cousin got arrested. I wasn't defending Amanda by any means... I was just worried that if she pressed charges my pregnant girlfriend would be in trouble. Jasmine didn't see it that way.

Landon came bright and early today and we all know why.

"Good morning! What's for breakfast?" He said walking into my house as if he lives here.

"Why are you here so early?" I asked.

"What?. I can't come over in the morning?" He seemed offended.

"Right... I know why you are here and you're crazy". This man is married and he's chasing a 26 year old woman who probably doesn't want him.

"So where is your girl and her beautiful sexy cousin?" He asked.

"Jasmine isn't talking to me and will Cyn is wherever Jasmine is".

"Cyn... Cyn... I need me some Cyn. My body needs Cyn".

"Oh by the way you never told me your wife was an police officer". Landon never talks about his wife but continuously cheats on her.

"Yeah she works over at the 13th precinct. How did you find that out?" He asked.

"Well Jasmine and her infamous cousin got into a fight with Amanda and she called the cops and got them arrested. But your wife booked them".

"Wait? What? My wife met Cyn?. No not good. The side chick never meets the wife!". He didn't hear anything I said but that Cyn met his wife.

"Landon focus... anyway I talked Amanda out of pressing charges but Jasmine took it as I'm taking Amanda side and now she's not talking to me which is killing me!".

"Well you have to understand she's pregnant too. But you didn't scold Amanda for being at the same place your girl was at. That's why she feels you're taking Amanda side and not hers".

"I hate that you understand women more than me" I laughed. He shrugged and sat at the table.

Cyn and Jasmine came walking down the stairs. Jasmine definitely had a glow about her this morning.

"Good morning baby" I said hoping she'll give up on this silent treatment. She walked passed me without saying one word.

"Landon your back so soon. It's kind of early isn't it?" Cyn said.

"I'm here anytime you need me" Landon responded back with a smile on his face.

"Oh I met your wife... she's pretty but I gave her some pointers that she should fuck you more so you keep your eyes to yourself" Cyn laughed.

"You didn't?".

"She did I was there for that. But she didn't seem upset" Jasmine said.

"So you can clearly talk to Cyn and Landon but you ignore me" I said.

"I only talk to people who have my back. Well Landon's has my cousins back so I guess that's okay".

"I sure do have her back. That's for sure" Landon eyed Cyn's ass and licked his lips.

"I told you already I wasn't taking sides. It's just I was worried about you".

"You have a weird way of showing it".

"Are we seriously arguing about this?" I asked.

"No we wouldn't be talking at all but since you insisted to know why I was ignoring you... here we are arguing about the same woman who had us arrested".

"She's right... if you didn't ask her why. Then this argument wouldn't be happening" Cyn said.

"And well because I have her back I would have to agree with my future new wife" Landon joked.

This is unbelievable!. Now I'm fighting with my girlfriend over a woman who was attacked by my girl and her cousin. But I'm wrong here?.

"Just saying... Amanda is causing problems in your relationship already. She's not stupid. But you are stupid and she's playing you like a violin" Cyn said while brushing her hair.

Landon just sat there watching Cyn. He was already whipped and didn't get anything.

"Right? Landon" she turned to him. He nodded. I watched Jasmine who looked like she was in a deep thought. I hope what her cousin said didn't trigger anything. It's the last thing I need.

"Anyway I'll be back. Amanda has an appointment today and wants me there". Jasmine didn't even look at me.

"I'll watch them" Landon offered.

"They're adults I think they can manage by themselves. Which means you're leaving".

"Always hating" Landon said while he got up and walked out.

Jasmine POV

When Cyn made that random comment it sat with me. She's right... we never had an argument before. And it's over the same woman who's claiming to be pregnant by him.

I wonder how he got her to not press charges. Once JR announced he was leaving I didn't look at him. I was still upset about him taking her side and not realizing it.

What if I end up raising my girls by myself?. All because this woman is taking advantage of JR. So many thoughts were crossing my mind. I felt an anxiety attack coming on which caused me to start crying.

"Prima... you okay? Why are you crying? Is this hormones?" She asked. She came rushing over me and hugging me.

"What if she plays her cards right and he leaves me. I'll have two girls to raise on my own".

"If that happens you move back with me and we will raise them. There's nothing us woman can't handle".

"I'm sorry".

"Don't be sorry... plus, I don't see him leaving you. He loves you too much. It's just he's trying to please both of you and it's stretching him thin. Which will make him not see clearly. Hence why she's manipulating him".

Wiping my tears from my eyes and trying to compose myself. Cyn hugged me tight and let me lay my head on her shoulder.

I never felt so much anxiety before in my life.

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