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I watched as Jasmine slept. She was so Angelic laying in my bed. She came over due to a thunderstorm that came through last night. She ran in here like a bat out of hell.

Scaring the crap out of me she jumped in my bed and hugged me tight. I was a little groggy but I hugged her back. Eventually she fell back to sleep.

Figuring since she made me dinner a couple nights back I would make up with breakfast. I wasn't the best cook but I knew how to throw down for breakfast.

After putting all the plates on the table I noticed Jasmine stretching before coming downstairs. Damn, she was beautiful any time of the day.

"Morning!" She smiled.

"Morning Beautiful, how'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Like a baby, thank you. I hate the sound of thunder" she shyly said.

"I figured that out when I heard you screech and jump into my bed" I laughed.

"Sorry, what's for breakfast?" She scanned the table and seemed a little surprised.

"I made eggs, pancakes, grits, toast and bacon". She smiled and took a seat at the table.

"I must say I love this table. It's not your average table. So modern like" she said while putting a piece of bacon on her mouth.

"That's why I got it. It was different just like yourself". It was true.

She took the newspaper off the table and started reading through it.

"Do you believe in horoscopes?" She asked.

"No, it's a bunch of non sense. Why?".

"Because I like reading it. What's your sign?. Actually no when is your birthday?".

"April 21st". I rolled my eyes at the stupidity that was to follow.

"Oh you're a Taurus. The stubborn bull who's possessive and jealous" she smirked.

"That's what it says?". She can't be serious.

"No, that's what your sign is though. And from the looks of you it seems to be true".

"I'm none of those things. How about you?". She glanced at me.

"My birthday is August 12th and I'm a Leo. Im the lion who loves attention. Not that I crave it, it just come naturally".

"Well that's true in a weird way. And the agenda of the day is?" Just incase she forgot.

Rolling her eyes she said "find me a job". I smiled and nodded. "I wouldn't mind doing office work. That way I don't have to deal with people".

"I'll talk to a few people I know and then see what we can get you". I really didn't want her working for anyone I knew.

Later on...

These employees are really testing my patience today. I don't understand why I can't come to work and have a smooth day.  All these papers and I can't find a single female to do their job right.

"Mr. Moore, sir?. Just reminding you that you have a meeting in 20 mins" my secretary said.

"Thank you. And what happened to Miranda?" She was the slowest person I know.

"I believe she quit sir". Dammit!.

"Great! When did she quit? Because I wasn't notified". I could not believe these woman.

"I believe last week. She stormed out of here crying saying she couldn't take it anymore".

I shook my head in disbelief. Wonderful now I have to look for a personal assistant.

"Sir, Mr. Landon Kratts is here to see you" I nodded and went back to this paper work.

Landon walked in eyeing my secretary. "Hey, I see she still works here".

"Not now Landon!. I have incompetent employees that somehow give me more work to do".

"Well you have a beautiful girl who basically lives with you that I think can handle being your personal assistant".

"Yeah, I don't know about that".

"It's not like your not banging her anyway. You can have her here and do what you like in the meantime she works for you".

"I'm not sleeping with her. Maybe kissed her but that's it".

"You kissed her?!. I knew it" he smirked.

"Well Jasmine did organize the papers on my desk at home. Maybe she could work here. But then I don't want anyone else eyeing her. Like yourself".

"Really?. You can't control that. She's beautiful. Or you can have her work in your office" he suggested.

"I have to think about this. She really wants a job. And she offered to do office work".

"See?. So hire her". Why do I feel like Landon is trying to benefit from me hiring Jasmine here?.

"I guess. I'll tell here later. She should be happy". I hope I'm not regretting this decision.

When I got home I smelt the cooking from the door. She doesn't even know she's won me already. Opening the door I heard music blasting and her singing along into a spatula.

I stood there amused and just watched. When the song was finished I clapped my hands.

"Great show with dinner, sweetheart". She quickly turned around embarrassed.

"I didn't even hear you when you came in. Guess what?. I made dinner again". She grabbed two plates and serving the food.

"Smells good, what did you make?" I asked.

"Steak, Mashed potatoes and greens" she said as she or the plates the table. That's one thing she knows how to cook.

"Oh so, I was at the office today and figured I need a personal assistant due to the one I had quit". She nodded not realizing what I'm saying.

"Meaning I want to hire you to be my personal assistant. The way you organized my papers that day was very good".

"Well I try, but okay I mean how hard can that job be?".

"Just a few things I need you to understand while working for me".

She stopped eating and gave me her full attention.

"One, I have more males than females working for me so which means I don't want you being friendly with any males that work for me".

"Possessive fuck" she mumbled.

"I'm serious. And I will not tolerate any fighting. So if you notice someone who is being petty just come to me and let me handle it".

"But I can handle it. Thanks though" she smiled.

"And see where that got you?" I reminded her.

"Touché" she rolled her eyes.

"But I take my company seriously. And I'm trusting you to work for me and do a good job".

"Okay, when do I start?" She asked.

"Tomorrow. So meet me here at 7 sharp and wear work attire and no short skirts or cleavage shirts".

"Hater" she smiled.

I hope this turns out to be a good thing I'm doing.

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