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Another week and no job. I wasn't really complaining when I first got fired. I became a tv junkie catching up on all my shows. But now I need something to do. This is boring!.

I knew JR wasn't home but he gave me a spare key just in case I needed to shower. Ever since we almost kissed I've been hesitant to go over there. Not because I didn't want the kiss. But because the kiss might happen again.

But since boredom is taking my whole day over I walked over to his house and decided to be nosey.

Opening the door I noticed how clean his house was. For a man he's very neat which is odd. I can bet he has some sort of OCD.

Making my way to his fridge I see so much food. Damn, maybe I should cook something?. He wouldn't mind if I did anyway. Grabbing the pasta and sauce and started cooking. I played music from my phone just to get me motivated.

In the midst of the pasta boiling the door bell rang. Who in the hell is that?. Should I answer it?. I slowly walked to the door and peaked through the side window to see it's the same woman I saw screaming as she was riding JR that day. Great!.

"Can I help you?". I tried not to have attitude but she's interrupting my cooking time.

"When did JR get a maid?. I see he took my advice. Is he home?" Oh no she didn't!.

"No he's working... something you should be doing than standing here looking for Dick" I smiled.

"Excuse me?. I'll have you know I can get you fired so quick" she sneered.

"Well let me fill you in. I'm not the maid so whatever you think you can do you can't".

"Why would JR have a black girl in his home when he's not here?. Everyone knows you black people aren't trustworthy".

"Okay, I'm done taking your insults. You have five seconds to leave before I kick your ass New York style. Five... four".

"I'll be telling JR about how rude you are" she turned around quickly and got into her car.

"The nerve of this woman. What kind of women does JR sleep with..." I walked back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

After making some slammin' pasta I put a plate away for JR. Since I know he eats out majority of the time. I think he would appreciate a home cooked meal once in a while.

The only place in this house that was a mess was his office table. I shook my head and decided to at least file the papers in order and neatly stack them on his table so he knows where to find what he's looking for.

Time sped up quickly I didn't even notice when JR parked in his drive way.

"Welcome home!" I smiled big taking his briefcase and handed him something to drink. He stared at me with a raised brow.

"Thank you?. Why are you in my house?" He asked.

"Boredom killed me today so I cooked and made you a plate along with organizing your papers in your office".

"You cooked?. I didn't know you knew how" he seems surprised.

"Well obviously, my grandma taught me how to cook so when I had to take care of myself I knew how". He stood there a little confused so I grabbed his arm and ushered him to the table. "Relax, ill get your plate so you can eat. I know your hungry".

Warming up his dish I glanced over my shoulder to see him watching me. Once I felt like the pasta was hot enough I put it on the table and smiled.

"Enjoy" he nodded and was a little hesitant to taste. But once he did he gobbled down the whole plate.

"Jasmine, I must say that was very good. Thank you I needed this" he said wiping his mouth.

"You're welcome!. It's the least I can do since you helped me". I got up and took his dish and washed it in the sink.

"So what else did you do today?" He asked while taking off his shirt to reveal he has a wife beater on. His arm muscles flexed a little which made melt. And who in the hell knew he had a sleeve tattoo. Lawd, help me!.

"Umm... your girlfriend came by today looking for you. Very rude person she is" I took a seat at the table resting my face on my hand.

"Why what she say?" He asked.

"First, she assumed I was the maid. I was going to let that slide... but I had a come back which she didn't like so she threatened to fire me. So I figured to let her know I wasn't the maid. She then wondered why would you have a black person in your house when you weren't here.. etc".

"I'm so sorry she said that. Shes very closed minded".

"Don't apologize for your girl. It's not your fault she's dense in the head".

"She's not my girl or girlfriend. She's just a friend" he corrected me finally.

"JR we are both adults here. Once you inserted your penis in her vagina not once but plenty of times... that makes her more than a friend. I'm surprised you guys don't have kids". I said playing with my fingers.

"I've stuck my penis in plenty of woman. And it doesn't change the title unless I say so. And my pull out game is A-1". He winked at me. "Plus, I wouldn't want her to be the mother of my children. She can't do anything like cook, clean".

"Sad, so sad. I guess you'll never have kids then. If you keep messing with these woman who can't wipe their ass". He looked at me and walked over to me.

He leaned into me and looked straight on my eye. Maybe I've found the woman I want to mother my future kids already".

"Really?. Where?. Do I know her?" Playing stupid since I know he was pertaining to me.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. Those butterflies that people talk about are real. I squirmed under his grasp and pulled away.

"I think I should go" he didn't move.

"I think you should stay" he tried kissing me again but I slid from under his arm and walked out. I knew this was going to happen. Who can deny the magnetic force pulling JR and I together?.

Then what hell is wrong with me?.

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