Part II-4

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Jasmine POV

"You didn't have to take us home you know... especially with not having car seats in your car?" I said.

"I will not have my girlfriend and my kids taking the train back home in the cold" he glanced at me.

"You just want to see where I live... and girlfriend? Who is she" I played dumb.

"Jasmine come on really... I don't know why you don't move back with me" he said. He must be stupid.

"I told you already. I'm not giving into you that easy. You really hurt me. And I won't put my kids through that" I turned to see that they were sleeping.

"Listen to me I'm sorry. I can't apologize enough. But I would never in my life hurt my kids".

"Action speaks louder than words. Make a left here" I said.

"Nice little place you got here" He looked through my window.

"Can you get one of the girls and help me inside?" He nodded and picked up Julissa and carried her inside as she slept.

He put her on her bed as I took off her shoes and coat. She moaned as she snuggled along with her blanket. I smiled and walked out the room quietly closing their door.

"They're cute. I missed out on a lot" he said as he took a seat on my couch.

"Not really you still have Amanda's daughter. You saw every milestone with her right?" I asked while cleaning up after the toys the girls left on the floor.

"Not really. As I predicted dealing with her would be a pain in my ass. But I rarely see her. And then she'll call me bashing me about how I'm a bad father when it's her keeping my daughter from me".

"Sorry to hear that". I took a seat next to him tired from the day.

"Are you?" He turned his attention to me.

"I mean yeah... I may not like Amanda but when it comes to the child they're innocent. Why bring them into it?. I could never do that to my kids".

"But you did. You left me and never gave them the chance to have a father". I felt his eyes on me.

"I did it for good reasoning. Just incase you want to start this argument". He wasn't going to come in my home and start this shit.

"And what would that be? I wasn't a bad guy". He shifted his body in my direction so I knew I had his full undivided attention.

"I didn't want those precious little girls to become second to you. You can say no that wouldn't happen but it did with me and you didn't notice. I didn't want my kids asking me how come daddy won't play with us or how come daddy is always gone?. I don't want them to grow up that way. Where they have to question if their dad loves them" I looked at him and see the wheels were turning in his head.

"Let's try again. I want you all to come back to California and live with me as a family should be together. I'm not saying rush into a relationship but we can take it slow. But I want you guys back. It killed me that you left".

Sitting there thinking about this. New York is all my girls know. And moving them to California with a man they don't even know. I don't know how the transit would work with them.

"Before I even agree with this. We have to tell them that your their dad. So that way if I decide to agree with you and move that it wouldn't affect them".

He nodded "fair enough. No rush take as much time as you need".

"How long are you in NY for?" I asked.

"Two weeks" he smiled. "Maybe when we make up we can start on the baby making process again. We make some gorgeous kids" he joked.

"I'm good. I'm still traumatized from having these two" I laughed.

"I miss that smile. Can't wait for you guys to live with me so I wake up to that smile everyday" he scooted closer.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked. He moved even closer and grabbed the side of face pulling me in.

"Kissing what's always been mine" he leaned in and slowly placed his lips on mine. It felt like what it always has. I pulled back fast before my body reacted.

"You can leave now" I pointed to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe we all go out tomorrow. I'll invite Cyn and Landon as well. Like old times" he smiled and winked. He walked out closing the door.

Out of all the times he could've came for me he comes now. Reminding myself to kill Cyn when I see her tomorrow.

Unlikely StrangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon