Part II-13

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"Girls can you please get dressed... when I come back in here you both better be dressed" I sternly said.

I told them now five times to get dressed but they tend to get distracted and end up doing something else. Making my way to my room I see Jasmine on the bed talking on FaceTime.

"Baby, why aren't you dressed?" I asked. She glanced at me still talking. "Is that Cyn?".

She nodded. I walked up to her and grabbed the phone. "Cyn, listen Jasmine needs to get dressed and so do our kids. So call her back later".

"Damn, JR taking control let me find out" Cyn joked.

Ending the face time and tossing the phone on the bed. Jasmine didn't looked pleased at all.

"Why are you rushing us?" She asked getting off the bed.

"Because for some weird reason any time we have to go somewhere we are always late due to you guys".

"Not true, there's time we are on time" she pointed out.

"Like when?" I asked. She stood there trying to remember. "Exactly, you can't think of any. So please get dressed".

Today my mom wanted us over so she could meet Julissa and Leilani. Plus, she wanted to talk to Jasmine personally. Rolling my eyes I made my way back to the girls room to see they were both dressed in the same thing.

"You girls like dressing alike?" I asked.

"Alike?" Julissa questioned me.

"Yeah did you guys purposely dress in the same thing?". They both looked at each other and somewhat giggled.

"No, this always happens" Leilani said.

"Cute... just try and not get dirty okay" they both nodded and went to continue playing.

Walking into my room I see Jasmine is dressed. I was happy knowing we were almost out the door. She went into our bathroom to do her hair.  I heard pitter patter of feet entering our room. The girls sat on our bed and waited.

"Mommy hurry up" Julissa yelled. Jasmine walked out looking amazing as usual.

"I'm ready let's go" we all walked out the door. Jasmine or both girls in their car seats that we got the other day.

We both got into the car. Jasmine pulled down the mirror to do one last check. I put on a movie for the girls so they would be occupied.

"I hope your mom isn't mad at me" Jasmine said.

"Why would she be?. She sided with you". Jasmine turned to me as if she was surprised.

"Really?. Well in that case..." Jasmine smiled.

[30 mins later]

We pulled up to my mother house. I took a deep breath before coming out the car. Walking up to the door I think my mom was watching out through the window. She came out smiling big. The girls walked up first and stood there.

"Oh my goodness, JR they are beautiful!!!" My mom said with all happiness in her face.

"Girls?. This is your grandma. Say hi and thank you" jasmine said.

Both girls looked at each other for confirmation. Jasmine nudged them both "thank you" they said in unison.

"Jasmine... I'm so happy you came back" my mom eagerly said. Jasmine nodded and smiled. "Come inside its chilly out here".

We all walked inside. The girls gave me their jackets and walked inside to sit down. Jasmine walked with them so they can look around.

"JR how can you tell who's who?" My mom asked.

"I still can't tell them apart. I just say thing 1 or thing 2 and they tend to answer to that" I laughed. My mom playfully hit my arm and laughed as well.

"How are things between you two?" She asked.

"So far so good. Otherwise she's not giving in so easily though".

"That's good for her. You're the one who messed up not her".

"I know, I know" I sighed.

Jasmine sat with the girls on the couch as my mom went to talk to them. The girls looks amused by my mom I can only imagine what they'll do.


"How do you tell them apart?" JR's mom asked me.

"They just have different personalities. So once I'm talking to one I know who's who". She looked at both of them and back at me.

"You're good. I wouldn't be able to tell" she giggled.

"Girls tell grandma who's who?" I said. They both looked at each other.

"I'm Julissa and she's Leilani" now they want to play games.

"No shes Leilani and I'm Julissa". I sat there eyeing them because it's bad enough this woman can't tell them apart and here they are confusing her.

"Girls come on seriously. Who's who?" Giving them the warning look.

"I'm Julissa and she's Leilani" JR mother laughed and asked "are you sure?" They both nodded.

"Too cute" she smiled. "Jasmine can I talk to you privately?" She asked me.

I nodded and told JR to watch the girls while I talk to his mom. We walked back to the laundry room which brought back memories. All I could is smile the entire time.

"So, how have you been all these years?" She asked.

"I've been fine... it's only been three years".

"It just feels like it's been longer than that. But in very happy he looked for you. I don't know if he told you how upset I was when he told me you left him".

"Nope he never told me that. And I'm sorry I kept your grandchildren away from you. Just a lot was going on and I was trying to shield my kids from it".

"No need to apologize. What you did was right on so many levels. Especially since we all knew Amanda was lying. After you left we had an invention for JR about her but he didn't listen".

"Sounds about right. But I'm happy you're siding with me on this. I thought you would've been pissed at me for leaving".

"Never, I've always liked you Jasmine. You are the only person to put JR in his place when he needs it" she laughed.

"Well what can I say... I try" I joked.

"Hopefully you guys can get back on track and maybe get married. I would love for you to become my daughter in law" she smiled.

"I don't know... that's up to JR".

"Exactly so next time I see you guys you'll be having a ring on that hand". This woman has to be crazy.

"We'll see" we both walked back out to the living room to see JR sitting in the middle of the girls as they were watching something on his phone.

"Look at that" his mom whispered to me. "He's such a great dad! It makes my heart melt".

I stood there just admiring the scenery before me. Now the guilt of leaving... and JR missing everything from the birth, to the first steps, first words, first everything.

After we attack Amanda I'll show him the home videos I have of them so in a way he will still see some things of their firsts.

What a day...

My boyfriend and my sisters bday today and then Aaliyah passed on this day in 2001. Aye, I'm happy and sad all at the same damn time. 😩😬

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