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Jasmine POV

I missed my cousin so much. And I feel like shit for not calling her. She must be crazy worried about me. Probably not!. Sometimes being here I feel alone. The only family I have is JR family.

Finishing for my phone I pressed her name and made the call. Hopefully she answers.

"Dimelo?!" She said quickly.

"Cyn it's Jasmine!". All I heard was the phone drop from her grasp.

"Oh shit Jasmine?. As in Jasmine my cousin? Because this bitch left months ago and never called me" she sneered.

"I know, I know I'm sorry. But you could've called me too if were so worried" I clapped back.

"So how is California?. Tell me everything!".

"Well I got here lived in a motel and worked at a bakery. Then I met this guy who I'm currently with and I'm pregnant with twins!".

"Bishhh whettttt?"

"Yup twins". I repeated myself.

"Hold up?. Wait a minute!. You left New York to start fresh and you end up pregnant and basically married. And why didn't I go with you?" She asked.

"Because you was too caught up with your boo thang at the time" I reminded her.

"Well shit I need to come visit and see how you living" she joked. "I'm serious though just saying".

"I miss you though. I'll see if I can fly you out here to chill for a minute".

"You better!. You know we are two peas in a pod. I need to my partner in crime back".

"You're going to make me cry!. Stop it". Just then JR came through the door. "Let me go!. I'll text you okay?".

"Bye prima!. Love you" we both ended the call. It felt so good to talk to someone that I'm close to.

JR came up to me and kissed me. He then placed his hand on my stomach before kissing it. "Who was on the phone?".

"My cousin Cyn. I needed to talk to someone that I'm close to. Other than you".

"So you do have family back in New York?" He asked.

I nodded "of course". He removed his tie and unbuttoned the top two of his dress shirt. "How was work? Am I missed already?".

"Since you've been away. Your replacement isn't as good as you. And plus, I miss you" he sat down next to me kissing my ear lobe.

"I bet you do". I turned to him grabbing his face as we made out. And lately I've been so horny.

"Right here?" He asked in between kisses.

"Why not? We are the only ones here". I got up and thank god I wasn't wearing underwear. Easy access. He got up with me and bent me over the table gently. My tummy wasn't in the way at all we made it work.

"I love pregnant pussy. So wet and tight" he whispered to me as he thrusts into me. That alone caused my body to shake a little.

"Oh goodddd why does this feel so good" I moaned. He grabbed my ass as he went deeper. That's one thing JR remembered from my doctors appointment is that we can have sex all the way up to the due date.

"This pussy is forever mine. No one else's" he went deeper. I didn't even know he could go that deep.it caused me to whip my head back. "You like this?".

I nodded as I bit my lip. "Right there!". He did what I said. Feeling my legs getting weak I had to hold onto the corners of the table.

"I feel you cumming baby. I want you to cum on this Dick" he said as he bit my shoulder.

"JR-I'm cumming baby" I felt all my warm juices come out of me and slide down my thigh. JR must've felt it because that caused him to cum as well. I felt his warm juices inside me.

"Thank god your pregnant already" he said as he slipped out and pulled his pants up. We both sat back down on the couch tired as hell.

"Baby, can I ask you something?" I asked. He turned to me and gave me his full attention.

"I miss my cousin. She's basically all the family I have. And I was wondering could we fly her out here for a week or two. Just so I can have someone here that knows me. You know?". I don't know if he understood I tried explaining as clearly as I could.

He nodded "that's a good idea. I feel bad that you don't have friends here. It'll be good for you".

"Thank you so much. I'll go text her right now!". He smiled and got up to go shower.

"Oh and when she comes here make sure Landon keeps his hands to himself" I warned.

"Well if she's pretty like yourself I don't know he can" he joked. I rolled my eyes and went on to texting Cyn now I'm so excited to have her here soon.

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