Part II-2

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Sitting here at my office table in my house. My papers were everywhere scattered. Those scattered papers looked like how my life was at the moment. I haven't been the same since Jasmine left. I constantly think about my two girls whom I never met. I can only imagine what they look and act like.

It breaks my heart to know I'm not there for them. Once Jasmine left I gave her space thinking that's what she needed. But she never called nor came back to me. She probably thinks I'm with Amanda but I'm not we co parent and that's it.

Trust me when I say the co parenting isn't easy either. She's always calling me asking me for money or if I don't give her what she wants she uses the baby against me. I swear I'll go gray before I'm 35.

"Hey man you look like shit" Landon said as he came into my office looking around.

"How and I suppose to look?" I dryly said.

"Good point, how's Lacey?" I sighed just thinking about dealing with Amanda.

"She's good I guess. Haven't seen her since two weeks ago".

"Wow, she's doing you like that?. I told you that kid isn't yours" Landon huffed.

"You have no proof... if you have proof I would believe you" I rolled my eyes mentally he's always saying this but can't come up with any proof.

"Well... I actually have proo--" I stopped him when my phone started ringing.


"JR when are you coming to see Lacey? It's been two weeks!. What kind of father are you?!" Amanda angrily said. She can't be serious.

"Are you on drugs or something?. You are the reason I haven't seen her!" I spat back.

"Whatever!. Just make sure you drop by sometime soon before forgets who you are" she hung up the phone.

Landon shook his head "how do you deal with her?".

"Isn't that answer everyone would love to know?" I sarcastically said. "Now what were you saying before she called?".

"I forgot... it'll come back to me". I shrugged and went back to trying to organize my papers. "Oh guess who I spoke to last night?".

"Who?" I wasn't really interested.

"Cyn, you remember Cyn right?" His eyes lit up anytime he mentioned her name.

I nodded "how could I forget". Hoping he has some good news for me.

"Well when I called I heard these little voices in the background so I asked if she had kids without me. And she said no that she was babysitting your kids. I was like really..."

My focus was now on Landon.

"Leilani and Julissa. Both are 2 going on 3 and they took on more of Jasmine than you".

"So she kept the name Julissa.. anything else?" I asked.

"Well then I FaceTimed her and I saw your twins being nosey so I took a screen shot of them so you can see" Landon handed me his phone. I looked at the picture and my heart melted.

"Wow, they're beautiful" I stared at the picture wishing I could touch them.

"So yeah, Jasmine is working 9-5 job while Cyn watches the kids. And no Jasmine isn't dating anyone". I smiled at that known fact.

"I miss her so much. She was my lifeline. I regret everyday the way I ended up treating her. She was trying to tell me all along but I wouldn't listen".

Landon just watched me. He knew what I was going through. He's been there for me all this time.

"I want them back. Those girls deserve a father" I kept watching the picture of my daughters.

"Then go get them back... fix what you broke" Landon suggested.

"She probably doesn't want me back. She's probably happy as can be on her own".

"You're assuming now. Just go get her back. I'll even go with you for support".

"Support?. You're going just to try and get Cyn". Landon nodded "you got me. But I'm still going to have your back".

For the first time ever I'm scared. Scared that my kids might hate me. Sacred for the fact Jasmine might tell me she's happy without me. Sacred that I won't be able to be the father I want to be.

"You'll never know until you try" Landon said.

"Do you know her address?" Landon nodded "when we get that Cyn will give it to us".

"Send that screenshot to my phone I want to keep that picture of my daughters" I asked. Landon nodded and quickly sent me the picture.

I guess New York here we come.

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