Chapter 11- Percy

Start from the beginning

Percy picked up the hat with shaking hands and put it on his head. Suddenly, there was a new presence in his mind.

"Hmmm... So this is our, unique new arrival."

"What do you mean?" Percy thought.

"Your mother came to meet the Headmistress the other day. I saw it all, sitting on the shelf of her office. I heard of all your adventures. You're brave. Very brave. You have to be, if you're a demigod. Very clever and quick thinking, too. Much smarter than people give you credit for. So much potential and ambition too. And loyalty! Oh my, it's your fatal flaw! Hufflepuff seems very likely. But...

You are a difficult decision, Percy Jackson. You would do well in every house. But which house would you do the best in? It'll probably be..."

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat screamed for everybody to hear. All of them broke out in polite clapping, though the Gyrffindor table was the loudest.

He went and sat down next to Neville, across Ron and Harry, who were all grinning.

"Congrats. For a moment I thought you'd get into Slytherin." Harry said. " The hat was taking ages. It rarely does that."

"Yeah!" Ron added enthusiastically, "Though we'd have to cut all ties with you if you did get into Slytherin."

Everyone laughed, except for Hermione who was sitting on his other side.

"You forget, Ron. Slytherin and Gryffindor no longer hate each other."

"But that doesn't mean that we braid each other's hair and make pinky promises." a dark skinned boy added. "Hey," he told Percy. "I'm Dean Thomas, and this is Seamus", he pointed to the boy next to him.

Ron and Hermione continued arguing until the food arrived. Suddenly, all the empty space in front of Percy was laden with food. And not just any food. Good food, like Roasted Chicken and peas and mashed potatoes. Percy just helped himself to everything and tucked in.

The drinks seemed to be Pumpkin Juice, sadly. People around him seemed to be having it enthusiastically,  but Percy just pushed it aside for water.

After everyone had eaten, everything was suddenly replaced with desserts. Percy looked around before grabbing a blue coloured pudding and a spoon.

When the desserts disappeared and the plates were left clean, Professor McGonagall got up for her speech.

"Welcome, students, both old and new, to Hogwarts. I hope that this year will go on smoothly unlike the past, and children may study well for their exams. We also have two new teachers. Professor Harold Green, will be teaching Muggle Studies this year."

A middle aged man, probably in his fourties got up, and these was applause.

"And Professor Allison Powers will be teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts. She will also be the new Head of Gryffindor house."

This time, a young woman in her twenties got up, and Percy could tell that she'd captured everyone's attention. She was pretty, also smartly dressed, with her black hair pulled up in a pony tail. She smiled at everyone, but it was more... mysterious.

The applause went on slightly longer than usual, probably because of the boys who were looking at her intently.

Professor Powers sat down again, and waited for Professor McGonagall to continue.

"So you are to welcome these two new teachers warmly. On other notes, there have been two additions to the list of banned items: Gurgling Ink, and Quikwork Shampoo, both of which are products of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. And for those in their third year or above, a Hogsmeade visit is scheduled two months away from now. Your new schedules will be handed out in the morning, and those interested in playing Quidditch are to give their names to their respective captains. That is all. You may go to bed."


You can't even tell me that I updated late! Within a day! I felt that this chapter was decent length and even good enough, so I'm quite satisfied.

I may go into hibernation now, though. I am extremely packed the whole week, so I updated soon. But from now on, an update a week sounds good?

Okay? Okay.

So I reached 340 votes!! *happy dance* Can I reach 370 before the next update please? I really do update sooner with more votes, guys.

And please keep sending me death threats.






Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now