Chapter 1

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People may look at me different after they find out what I know. My status is going to go done if I come out and say it. But I'm scared over what the future holds for me. It is all going to change now. My dreams are not going to come true. They might but its going to be hard to reach them. People might call Quinn.Also say I am just like her. But different. My name is Kitty Widle and I am sophmore at McKinley High. The secret I am hiding is that I'm pregent.

It is over Marley and Jake broke up. I know I'm an alful friend for hooking up with my friends ex. But I have a reason. I even told her I hook up with him. It went pretty well. Marley didn't get mad at me at all. I was shocked. But later that week I wasn't feeling that well. I know I wasn't getting sick or any thing. So I went to store and got a pregencey test. I know, why a girl like me get one of those. But I had to make sure it was not. Well that's the thing I took the three different test and all three came out postive. That was a week ago. It is now Monday and I had an oppment at a clinic after school.

I was at my locker thinking. Then someone called my name. I turned around to see Marley.

"Hey Kitty." Marley said walking up to me.

"Hey." I said starting to put my things way.

"What's up?" She asked me.

"Putting stuff in my locker. What's up with you?" I asked her.

"Nothing. You busy after school?" She asked me.

"Yes, I am busy." I told her.

"Oh. I thought if you had no plans we glee girls could hang out. I have everyone one else coming to my place. If your plans change you can come to my place." She told me.

"Thanks. I will if anything changes." I said smiling.

"No problem." Then the bell rang. "Come on these get to glee." She said. We both walked to the glee room.

"Okay everyone. This week assigment is fun." Mr. Shuester said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Fun. You could come out with a fun song. Come out with something you want to sing" He said. The rest of the went by fast. The bell ranged and got out of there quickly. I catch a bus to the clinic. I walked into the place and went right up to the front desk.

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