
I blush and shake my head. "It's okay."

"Um, I didn't realize I had–"

"No, really. It's okay, I liked it." I smile and hold my arm out for her to come back to that position. She happily obliges and I wrap my arm around her once she's back against my chest.

We continue watching the movie for a little while before Y/n takes off her jacket and lays on my legs. I look down at the screen, my hand resting on her arm and stroking the inside of her arm idly. She giggles and grabs my hand, making me look down at her.

"Did I hurt you?"

"You tickled me."

"Oh so you're ticklish..." I say in a deep, husky voice.

"I... No..."

I smirk down at her, and on cue, she immediately tries to move out of my reach, but I grab her before she can go anywhere and start tickling her stomach.

She starts laughing uncontrollably in my hold, folding over to get away. "No, let me go, let me go!"

"Why should I?" I grin mischievously.

"I ha-hate this, Leo sto-hop!" She laughs and struggles more, trying to grab my hands, but I'm too fast for her.

"But I'm loving it so much."

"This isn't fa-ha-air, you're stronger than me!" I loosen up a bit and she fights her way out of my hold, laying defeatedly across from me. I shake my head and chuckle as she slowly stops laughing and catches her breath.

"I... hate you..."

"You wish." I pick up a grape and toss it up, catching it in my mouth.

"No really, I do. You make it pretty easy."

Smirking, I cockily pick up another grape and toss it up and into my mouth. "Well, just to let you know, I think your laugh is cute."

Y/n huffs at me before grabbing a handful of grapes, and quickly– aggressively– starts chucking them at me. I start laughing myself and fall back, shielding myself. I hear her snicker as she sits back down next to me on my other side.

"Now I didn't deserve that."

"Yeah you did, for being a–"

"Jerk? I know, I know."

"Exactly," she chuckles and nudges my arm.

I grin up at her. It feels so nice to just let go and relax with her. It's never as stressful when she's around, and honestly, this is the most fun I've had in a while. I raise myself and move closer to her.

"No no no, you're heavy." She says after I drape myself across her legs, and struggles to pull them from under me.

I dramatically gape up at her, putting a hand over my heart. "I am deeply hurt, Y/n. Surely I don't weigh that much."

"You have a shell. And muscles." She counters and pokes my arm. I just chuckle and shake my head up at her, finding her struggling amusing. She huffs and gives up when I don't budge. I smirk up at her and make myself even more comfortable. "Jerk."

"Hey I let you lay on me."

She rests her arms on my shell. "Yeah but I can't make your legs numb."

"I'd have to disagree with that."

She rolls her eyes and grins. "Touché..."

I grin and shake my head again. "You know I'm kidding."

She smiles down at me and her hands start playing with the tails of my mask. I smile softly up at her, enjoying even the faintest of contact from her, even if it is just the feel of her tugging at my mask.

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