Chapter 35: The Four Heroes' Reunion

Start from the beginning

As expected.

"Okay, so my Dark Dragoons will also help in cooking dishes, not destroying them then Flugel and the Three Beasts will be helping me cook-"

"I hate cooking, damn it.", said Rowen and Flugel smiled at him.

"Hey babe. Don't worry, you are with me anyway. I'll teach you something nice while doing so. Hee hee.", said Flugel with her sweet side that made Rowen agree in no time. Her charm is very irresistible, no doubt.

"Eris and Isabelle will prepare the invitations, Tyron will deliver them, and then the rest of the Shadow Circle will be helping us on the kitchen.", I continued and smiled. "Any more objections?"

"None!", they all answered in chorus.

"Good. Now, let's start!"


David Lee POV

The four of us, I, Cheska, Yuki, and Ranseim decided to have a short lunch here the the Banquet Hall of the Dark Palace.

"Aah! It's been a while since we got to stay altogether like this!", said Yuki happily. We are sitting on two separate tables, and Cheska were with her. I am with Ranseim.

"It brings back a lot of memories of the past.", Cheska said, reminiscing. "I still remember the time when the four of us first met each other."

I and Ranseim looked at each other and laughed.

"Yeah I remember it too well. The day when this prick killed the hell outta me.", laughed Ranseim. "Gone are the days when we still play ninja boys."

"Yeah.", I smiled. "It was the start of everything for us, when I returned to Tokyo after my banishment and rushed to school when I heard that you were there to annihilate my friends."

"A lot of things sure have changed a lot for him.", smiled Yuki.

"Well of course. I grew tired of being in the shadows. I grew tired of bending to the dark will of my Mother. After being killed by David once, I was able to believe the things he said during our battle, that what makes us strong is never the desire to kill, but the desire to protect everyone precious to you.. Aaah. The ecstasy of battling with my arch nemesis! How I miss those days!"

Cheska giggled, "You two could still spar on the Arena, you know."

"Yeah, but since Ranseim and I doesn't know the value of holding back once plunged in the heat of battle, we just might destroy the entire Heavenly Realm and Zeus won't be very much happy with that.", I said and we merrily laughed.

"You guys are on a completely different level.", smiled Yuki. "But if I may ask the two of you, why are you entrusting the fate of the universe on the hands of our childs, Flugel and Angelica?"

"Yeah, I was thinking about that too.", said Cheska. "You could give Bahamut a better fight if the two of you fight him himself."

I and Ranseim chuckled.

"Cheska, Yuki, you still didn't know the capabilities of those two, aren't you?", I asked.

"Well, I knew Angelica well enough and her deepest secrets, but still, I am not convinced that she could take on Bahamut together with Flugel and Tyron.", said Angelica who were sipping a tea.

"And Flugel too. I knew the extent of her power as I train her a lot and spank her butt literally if she's too lazy to do it. But, why them?", asked Yuki.

"You know.. what most adults lack within themselves is..", said Ranseim and winked at me.

"Yes, it's THE POWER TO BELIEVE!", I said.

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