Chapter 17: Deathwish

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Until a very creative plan popped into her head, "Oh~Yoongi~"



"Alright Y/N when you go in I need you to flaunt and do whatever you're used to doing but better" Namjoon said looked back at you from the front seat. "What exactly do I have to do better in?" you asked innocently.

"Well, We already showed you a photograph of GD. And well you don't really have to do much, especially with that outfit"

"Jhope is already in there so don't feel so nervous"


The van door opened. Immediately the afternoon sunlight turned your gown into a disco ball. You walked around the corner to see the building Namjoon was talking about. People with glamorous outfits entered with a partner by their side. They looked happy and free.

But you knew very well these weren't normal people going to a normal party.

These people are gangsters, drug dealers, kidnappers, and murderers. These people probably have more blood on their hands combined that the amount of blood could fill up the pacific ocean.

You took your first step, now in front of the building. "I can do this, I can do this" You took deep breaths.

"Y/N" you turned your head to where you heard your name.

Then you spotted it. The face you needed to see.




"I'm not letting you dye my hair Jennie stop asking" Yoongi angrily walked into the living room with a bag of chips in his hands. For the past hour Jennie has been following the older male with the blue hair dye box insisting in dying his hair.

"please, blue will look so great on you" Jennie begged.

"No, I already told you. No. I like my black hair." Yoongi plopped himself onto the couch.

Jennie ran up to him. Throwing her self on the couch making Yoongi almost drop the bag of chips. He gave her a scowl before returning his attention back to the television. The girl sat down Indian style beside the boy.


"I said no." he said with an expressionless face.

The girl pouted. "You're mean"

Really? I think I'm quite lovely" He said with a small smirk.



Hoseok smiled at you before entering the building. You wanted to walk in with him but no one knows you're with BTS. If they did all of their enemies will go after you as well. They could barely protect their own leader, you couldn't imagine what would happen to you if you ever got in such a situation again. You would be the last thing on their mind.

You took one last deep breath before walking towards the grand door that belonged to the YG clan.

On the first steps people turned their heads to whisper to each other. You felt like you were in a Cinderella scene but at the same time their probably planning on murdering you.

Once the doors opened, beautiful women wearing beautiful gowns. Handsome men wearing tuxes, it was like a ball you see in the movies but instead of talking about normal stuff they're probably talking about how many people they murdered today.

"Can I get you a drink miss" A server appeared behind you from you that you flinched when he spoke to you. He was quite surprised that you backed away. "Miss?"

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