Chapter 34

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Raine and I got a full scholarship to Stanford University, so we decided to go there. Plus, it's only an hour and forty-eight minutes from CBTS. We decided to move there and go. We will be moving back home after we are done though. John and Spear decided to come with us and live in the same apartment building but a different apartment. I guess that works because John got a job at a local high school as a Science teacher and Spear would take care of the twins as we went to school during the day. They got married two weeks after graduation and they couldn't be happier. I'm happy for them. They finally got over the Knight fetish, too. It's sad. It was fun to watch. It has been two months since graduation and we are finally starting Stanford in a week. We are moving today though. The twins however are growing up too fast. They are getting bigger everyday. Next thing you know they are married and have kids of their own. Knight and Chase were surprised to find out Chase was pregnant. They already decided names. If it was a girl, it would be Liza and if it was a boy it would be Charlie. Knights real happy about those and it was Chase who came up with it. Raine, Rose, Chase and Lucy took care of the twins in the grass in the front yard as the rest of us packed one car with My and Raines stuff and the other with John and Spears stuff. Everyone else was riding out with our bikes. Lucy and Elvis have Raines bike, Knight and Chase have Spears and Rhys and Rose have mine.

We got out of the car and a man ran by us without a shirt taking a morning jog. Spear and John found their new fetish.

"OMG! Did you see him! He's like a black dream! So drool worthy!" John put his arm on Spear.

"Great ass, nice face, eight pack. Amazing! Now let's hope he's straight or we are gonna have to stop looking at him." I patted them on the shoulders. We grabbed the cribs first. And set them up. Then did the twins room until it was finished and put them inside. We started grabbing everything else. Once all the boxes and furniture were inside each room and apartment, we started unpacking. It took almost all day for us to finish two apartments. Everything seemed good. I flopped onto the couch and turned on the tv. Rhys and Rose were staying with us on the couch tonight and everyone else was staying with John and Spear. We ate pizza for dinner and Raine headed to the bedroom to feed the boys. I opened the door as she fed them. She looked up.

"Need something?" I gave my best cocky grin.

"Just enjoying the view." She rolled her eyes.

"Perv!" I laugh. "Anyway, since you're here, you can burp them. I placed a towel on my shoulder in case he spit up. Raine handed me Raven and I patted his tiny back. He burped but no spit up came but he usually doesn't, it's Rowan you need to worry about. I placed Raven back in his crib and Raine finished feeding Rowan. I grabbed the tiny boy from her arms and burped him and as I suspected he spit up. Sadly he got it in my hair along with the towel. Raine started laughing at me and I stuck my tongue out at her. Rowan then stuck his tongue out causing her to laugh even harder. I pushed Rowan's hair out of his little face and placed him in his little bed. He was out like a light. I got up, walked to the bathroom, stripped then got in the shower. A few minutes later the shower opened and a bare naked Raine stood there.

"Can I join?"

"What about the twins?" She looked at the door behind her.

"Rhys and Rose said they would look after them if I followed you to the shower. So I said yes for two reasons. One, so I could get a break for a while and Two,..."

"So you could follow me to the shower?" She smiled, hopped in and grabbed my erection.

"He'll yeah!"

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