Chapter 10

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Today is Thursday my dad, brother and I are getting matching tattoos to remember our mom. She passed exactly a year ago today. I miss her. We're getting Knight to draw them. I entered the building and a bell chimed announcing our entrance. Raine looked up from the front desk and smiled.

"How can I help you guys? Do you have an appointment?" I smiled at her.

"No and can we have Knight draw a tattoo for us?" She rolled her eyes.

"I'll see what I can do." she didn't even bother moving. "Elvis!" I laughed

"Not even going to move?" She laughed.

"Too far. Who are the dudes with you?" She eyed them.

"My dad, Jordan or as everyone calls him, Guns and my Brother Kyan also known as Spear." laughter twinkled in her eyes. "What's so funny?" she looked at me.

"Are you all purposefully nicknamed after weapons? Let me guess. If you had a sister her name would be bow or arrow?" Dad laughed in the back.

"Let me guess. You are the famous Raine?" She laughed

"You talk about me?" I blushed.

"No! Yes?... I don't know?" They all laughed and Knight and Elvis rounded the corner. Elvis glared at her.

"I was busy having lunch. What do you want?" She looked at the counter and muttered to herself.

"Someone's hangry." he scowled and she looked up and nodded towards us. "They want Knight to draw them some tattoos and you give it to them. No appointment." Elvis turned and looked at us.

"Why would the famous Wild boys want tattoos?" Dad looked down.

"Martha died a year ago today." Elvis' face softened.

"Fine. I'll let you in now. Knight draw em a tattoo." Raine cleared her throat.

"Give them a discount too. Knife and his family deserve it!" Elvis' eyebrows perked up.

"Knife you say? Is that why you were drawing knives? And here I thought you were fantasizing about stabbing someone." she blushed. I smiled real big and Spear patted my shoulder. Raine blushed deeper. We have been friends for almost two weeks but I want to be more. I just didn't think she liked me. I decided to do the same thing she did earlier.

"So you like me?" I fluttered my eyelashes. She laughed and I thought she would've stuttered but nope.

"Yes, yes I do." She lowered her head and went back to the computer. Yes! I opened my mouth to say something but Dad interrupted.

"Knife! If you're getting the tattoo you might wanna make sure you like it!" I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked at Raine.

"I better go." I smiled at her and almost walked into the door. I caught myself though.

The tattoo was amazing. Simple but amazing. My mom used to say this saying whenever we lost toys or lost something special. She said 'Don't forget the things you have lost. Remember it because it'll help you forget." To me it doesn't make sense but it reminds me of momma. Knight wrote the words in cursive and added my moms name at the bottom. He drew a crooked halo hanging just above the D and Wings, one on each side of the paragraph. To most people this will probably look really stupid. I don't care though. I watched my dad get it first. He put it on his left hip. Next was Spear. He put it on his left rib and last of all was me. I got it on my left shoulder. Why we all got it on our left side? Mom was left handed. Great first tattoo. That's what I think anyway. I walked back out afterwards and I paid my price along with the discount Raine demanded I get. Before I left I stopped in front of Raine. I was about to say something but when she looked up my mind went blank.

"Need something?" she stared at me a little more entently. "You okay?" Damn! All my confidence is gone!

"W-Would you like to go out with me on Saturday?" She smiled.

"Um, yeah!" I laughed.

"I'll pick you up at 7 and dress casual. Where we are going is a surprise!" she glared at me. I knew she hated surprises.

"I hate surprises!" I just looked at her with a gentle smile and said the least gentle thing.

"Deal with it!" I walked out the store. Two days until our date.

The Death Chasers Children (boyxgirl) {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن