Chapter 7

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I'm glad we have gym two periods after lunch. Means you can digest your food before you start bouncing around. That would be uncomfortable. Knight and I came into the gymnasium and got changed five minutes before the bell rang. We waited for everyone on the bleachers. Actually I waited on the bleachers while Knight tried sweet talking girls. The bell rang as Knife entered the room dressed and ready.

"Hi, Have I warned you about our teacher yet?" Why would he?

"No, why?" He smiled.

"Mr. Zahn is very strict. You don't want to mess with him. Do what he says, try your hardest, don't try to be a teacher's pet and, well, you get the point. Mess with him, it'll hurt. Literally!" He pretended to shudder. A girl showed up beside me.

"So new girl." She smiled at me and the whole class bundled around us. "I'm Quincey Barron. You, me Friday night. You are hanging out with my friends and I from now on." She looked at Knife beside me. "You shouldn't be hanging around losers. It's bad for you." She did not just call Knife a loser. I smiled at her.

"Sorry Sweetheart, I don't hang around with suck ups and sluts so I don't think it will be good to be friends with you." She scowled. I continued. "To be honest, you seem to need friends because either people are scared of you or they're exactly like you. So you need new friends because they're just a bad group. No one you can trust to keep your dirty, little secrets. By the way, don't call my friends losers. Only I can do that." She scowled at me.

"At least I got a date with someone who is cute tonight. Sadly he's your brother but i'll just mess with him for a while and then break his heart. After a few dates, he'll be wanting more but won't have it." I smirked. Knight has a modo, 'Do and Dump'. She's up for a treat. She looked over her shoulder to Knight as the teacher came in the class in sweatpants and a black tee.

"Okay! We have new students joining us today!" Oh no! Oh no! He looked around for us. "Raine and Knight Hays. Before we start tell us a bit about yourselves." He looked at Knight. "Why don't you go first?"

Knight looked thoughtful. "I like sports and school. I have a four point O, GPA and was the football captain at my last school. Dallas High School." A eruption of gasps echoed through the room. Why? You ask? Well because Dallas High School (DHS) was the best school in the States. Dallas beat everyone every year. Knight straightened his back proudly. I was trying really hard not to laugh as Quincey gripped his arm. To bad he only does one night with anyone. Mr.Zahn looked extremely happy.

"You should come to practice tomorrow. Might be able find a spot for you on the team." Knight pretended to look thoughtful.

"Naw, I'm good. I'm gonna focus on my family right now." Just like we agreed. Good boy. But he can do it. Football helps his focus and always makes him feel better. Zahns eyes narrowed. Then looked at me.

"What about you young lady?"

Didn't even need to think about it. "I have a four point O, GPA and was Soccer Captain for the girls at DHS." More gasps erupted. Let's just say Dallas beat everyone at everything.

"Wanna try out for the soccer team?" I looked at Knight then Zahn.

"Yeah." Knight perked up. "He's also gonna be at football practice tomorrow." Knight looked seriously confused then it clicked. He smiled. Zahn was glowing with happiness.

"Today's gonna be dodgeball. Everyone stand in a line as I make the teams."

Knight, Knife and I were all on the same team. The River Monsters. Don't ask how we got the name though because I have no clue. We wore blue pinnes. We all voted Knight for captain of our team. Quincey was captain of The Sea Monsters. She was going down. Zahn or coach as everyone calls him blew the whistle. I hit Quincey in the back. She turned and looked at me. She started a fit.

"Coach! She threw it at me and the whistle wasn't blown!" Her voice was whiny and high pitched. Coach was trying to hide a smile. I spoke up.

"Maybe if you spend less time on gossiping about which boy you're gonna screw next, you might hear the whistle next time!" That made Coach burst out laughing, along with almost everyone else. I don't know who it was but someone yelled at me.

"You are a hero to us all!" Quincey screamed. So unattractive. I turned to Knight and smirked.

"When's the date?" He smiled and laughed.


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