Chapter 20

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The party was great! Music bounded through every room. People were dancing and people were making out almost everywhere. I grinned against Knife and danced with him through most of the night. Apparently girls like guys only if they have abs and a good body, not the nerds they see at school because I left Knife to go get a drink, I came back and he looked like a frightened little puppy trying to get out of the group of girls and a few guys. I laughed then wandered over. He smiled when he saw me. I looked to the group surrounding him.

"Sorry everyone! Sexy is taken!" I recognized a few of them.

"Come on cap! It'll be fun to share?" I laughed at Bethany. She was part of my soccer team. Knight and I both became captains of the soccer and football teams.

"Nope sorry! I don't like to share my things!" Knife just laughed. He looked at her.

"Sorry sweetheart gotta go!" He pulled me away as I was laughing. He looked at me in the eyes. "Never leave me again! It was scary by myself! They are extremely clingy!" He sounded terrified and I had to laugh. Quincey came up beside us. She rubbed Knifes arms. Guess she finally stopped molesting Knight.  His eyes widened with fear. She smacked his ass. His face turned red with anger. He grabbed her wrist and people stopped to watch. "Sorry sweetheart. I don't like heartless monsters. Now if you can stop grabbing my ass, things may be alright. Now leave! Bitches like you don't belong here!" The crowd erupted with gasps. Knight came around the corner and  we started laughing really loud. Everyone turned to look at us. Knight took a deep breath to stop laughing.

"Yes! Go Knife! Go brainiac! Go Sci-fi geek! Go my sisters boyfriend! Go you!" Knife and I started laughing. He was drunk! He was really drunk! Quincey yelled at us.

"Shut up! Yeah, I don't belong here at lame parties! I belong at great ones!" She looked around the crowd and everyone was drop a nail quiet. "Now who wants to come to my house for a better party! Follow me!" I climbed onto Knifes shoulders.

"Or who wants to stay and have some fun! We don't do drama! We like drama free fun! I bet everyone agrees." They all erupted into cheers. "Let's go party then!" They all started partying. Quincey screamed as tears threatened her eyes. She stormed out the door. I pulled Knife upstairs and into my room where his stuff is. "Grab your swim trunks!" He grabbed them and put the on. Then I grabbed my white bikini. I pulled the crop over my head and pulled the skirt down. Next I pulled off my white thong. Knife grabbed my ass. I squealed then slapped his arm away. I pulled on my bikini bottoms. Knife undid my bras and I let it fall. He grabbed my tits from behind and kissed my neck. One hand slowly slid down my stomach and into my bottoms. He started playing with my clit, moving his finger in fast moving circles. I groaned then slapped his hand away. I turned to look at him.

"We haven't finished partying yet!" I slipped the bikini strap over my head and Knife did up the lace in the back. Then we went downstairs and jumped into the pool! People cheered and threw off their costumes and jumped in. I climbed on Knifes shoulders and Rose and Rhys did the same thing. We started doing that fighting on the shoulders thing.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd cheered. I grabbed Roses shoulders and threw her off Rhys. Cheers erupted. Knight and Chase came along and threw Knife and I in the water. I wandered inside to grab the towels. The doorbell rang. I wandered over to grab the door. Police were standing in front of me.

"We are here about a noise complaint. You need to shut the party down." I nodded.

"Sure, you can come in if you want. You might be a helpful resource in shutting it down." They followed me inside and towards the back yard. Everyone stopped and stared as the police came in.

"Party's over! Time to go home!" Kids groaned and started walking out the door and into their cars. I went to the bathroom to see if any drinks were there. Sally from our advanced math class was sitting over top of the toilet puking. I looked at her.

"Hey Sally. I'll call you a taxi or something to get you home. I'll grab some paper bags for you to throw up in." I rubbed her back. She smiled and nodded. I walked into the living room. The police, Knight, Knife, Rose, Rhys and Chase were sitting on the couches.

"Can someone call a taxi. Sally's really drunk and sick in the bathroom." They all nodded. I grabbed a bag for Sally. A police officer came up to me.

"We can take her home for you." I smiled.

"Thank you officer..." I looked at his name tag. "Beaton." He smiled back at me.

"No problem." I wandered over to the bathroom and gave Sally the plastic bag that I found.

"Here. The officers offered to give you a ride home. Okay?" She nodded then threw up in the toilet one last time. I helped her up and out the door to the cop car. I helped her in. "I hope you feel better tomorrow." She smiled and thanked me as the car drove away. I got back into the house. "Well that was fun!" Knight smiled.

"No kidding!" He hugged me then pulled away. "Go take a shower! You reak!" I laughed.

"Okay." I grabbed Knife hand. "As long as he comes with me!" We ran up to the bathroom and shut the door. He slammed me into the door and started kissing me. Hard. Lips still locked we wandered over to the shower and I reached my hand out and turned on the shower. He unknotted both of my bikini strings and let it fall, showing of my tits. He grabbed them, his lips never leaving mine. I yanked down his trunks and then my bikini bottoms. I gripped his hard dick and moved my hand back and forth as fast as I could. He grabbed my hand and lifted my ass. He plunged into me. I groaned. He put one foot in the shower and then the other. He plunged in and out of me as the water hit our backs. He grunted. His lips left mine and moved to my breasts still plunging in and out of me. I screamed his name as my first orgasm hit. He didn't stop though. I screamed as another hit and did that for five more times. I felt he was close to coming and he started moving faster and faster. He screamed my name as he came inside of me. We didn't stop there though. His mouth moved down my body. He sucked my clit. I moaned. His fingers jabbed into me. He looked up at me.

"Let's see if we can make you cum ten times today. We're at seven. Three more to go!" My body twitched and I came again. He moved kisses back up to my mouth and plunged into me again. He was hard once again. He moved faster than before and I came twice more. He didn't stop though. He moved faster. He was close to his edge. I screamed and we came in sinc. He looked at me and smiled.

"I love you." I froze. I looked in his eyes and I knew he meant it. "I love you Raine. Ever since the first time I laid eyes on you." I smiled as my heart fluttered in my chest.

"I love you too." He smiled then he made love to me. After he grabbed the body wash and rubbed it all over my body. When we got out it was midnight. We were in there for over an hour. We got to my bedroom and didn't even bother getting dressed. We both hit the bed and we were out like a light.

The Death Chasers Children (boyxgirl) {Completed}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin