Chapter 32

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I don't know what those three boys did that day but I no longer got bullied or anything like that according to my pregnancy. Thank god! Everything has been easier since that day. I am close to the ending of my pregnancy and the end of high school. I am supposed to be due around a week or two before the graduation ceremony. So I'll probably be able to go. That means I should give birth in one week, at least, I hope. I finished all of my classes early so I have the few weeks off for my pregnancy. Knight and Knife did the same. It helps to be geniuses. Knife, Rhys and Knight all received their patches and Rose, Chase and I got our old lady patches.

I sat down on the couch and placed my feet on Knight and my head on Knife. Chase sat beside Knight and placed her head on Knight's shoulder. I'm really glad they finally got together and Knight didn't do and dump with her. They are great together. Rose sat on Rhys' lap on the recliner. We watched one and a half movies before the pain started. I grabbed my stomach and started groaning.

"Grab the car!" Everyone became panicked. Knight ran out to the car and got it started as Knife and Chase helped me to the car. We quickly made our way to hospital. Everything happened in a blur. Next thing I know I'm on a hospital bed. The doctor cut my pants off and got underneath. Knife grabbed one hand as Knight grabbed the other.

"Push! Push!" I pushed just like Doc said. "One more time!" I pushed as hard as I could. "Got him! Congrats! It's a boy! She handed me the chubby faced, green eyed, darker skinned, black haired boy. He was adorable. Tears flowed down my face. Knife swiped the tears off my face. I looked at him.

"You want to hold him?" He nodded as I handed him the baby boy that looked so much like him. The skin was a mix between both of ours, though. His smile was wide and matched the child's. Pain shot again and I groaned. Knife quickly handed Knight the baby and Knight left the room. Knife grabbed my hand again as we went for round two.

"Push!" I screamed and pushed. The child's screams echoed through the air. "Congrats on your second baby boy!" I sighed in relief that it was over. She handed me the second child who was identical to the first. I laughed.

"I swear I will probably mix them up." Knife laughed along with me. He rubbed the baby's face. I handed him the child. Knight came into the room with the other bout in his arms. I looked at him.

"Give him to me!" Knight frowned.

"Do I have too?" I raised one eyebrow at him and he new what that meant. "Fine." He let out a frustrated breath. Everyone started piling in. First it was Rhys, Rose and Chase, then it was John, Spear and Guns. Last came in my dad and his girlfriend, he recently told us about. I like her. She's extremely nice. Well I guess all Lucy's are though. Rose squealed.

"They are so cute! They're identical too which makes them extra cute! You should dress them in matching outfits but in different colours. That would be awesome!" We all laughed and little boy number 2 grabbed Knifes nose. Knife smiled so widely, I swear it shouldn't be possible for it to fit on his face. Tears started pouring down again. Chase ran up to me and hugged me.

"Stop crying! If you keep crying, I'll start crying then all the females will start crying and we will probably torture the boys with our crying until they start crying too!" All us girls laugh as Rhys scoffed.

"I don't cry." Rose smiled at him.

"What about that time you saw the end of the book thief. You cried so hard. Or that time during the..." Rhys slapped his hand over her mouth.

"I just tend to have stuff in my eyes." We all burst out laughing and the twin boys joined in. The Ha's turned to Awe's. Rhys changed the subject. "What are you going to name them?" I whispered into Knife ear.

"2Boys, Pair three. First born - 1, Second - 2." He smiled and nodded. He raised boy number two in the air.

"Rowan Peter Wild and" I raised boy number one as he lowered Rowan. " Raven Charles Wild." Knight clapped his hands.

"You chose the name that I recommended! Yes!" I smiled. Knife was supposed to move in with us next week but I guess he's moving in early. The doctor came in and did the normal check ups for the baby.

The Death Chasers Children (boyxgirl) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now