Chapter 28

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Today has been going as planned so far. John and I were to distract the twins until it's time for the surprise. I'm glad I didn't have to distract them on my own. It worked well when John told us he was subbing for Mr. Beetle today. School ended almost an hour ago but John was really doing a great job of distraction. He first got Raine to give updates on the babies and after got Knight to talk about his work with the football team. That took about an hour. We needed one more hour before the party started. John ran out of ideas of distractions to do. My turn.

"How did my brother purpose. Was it romantic or was it, how do I put this? Speary?" Johns eyes lit up.

"It was so romantic. Something I never saw coming. First he took me to the place we first met at the beach. I was really confused because he hates the beach." that went on for another hour. John looked at his watch and gave it a wrap. "That was when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Can you believe it?" Raine patted his shoulder.

"You are one lucky man, John." He beamed then seemed to remember the party.

"I know. Thanks. We should get going though. I'm coming to your house though cause I want to show off this ring to everyone." I smiled because that was probably very true.


I texted Elvis we were coming down the street to get everyone to go quiet. We pulled into the driveway only a few minutes after I sent the text. Raine, Knight and I got off our bikes and John got out of his car. John and I slowed behind as the two Birthday people got to the door. They opened it.

"Surprise! Happy 17th Birthday, Hays twins!" Raine and Knight looked at each other then grinned. They yelled in union.

"Time to party!" They do love to party. I wandered inside behind Raine. The walls were covered in fake clouds and rain drops and styrofoam swords hung in each doorway. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room.

"Did you help with this?" She smiled with eyes that could be given to a child on Halloween. I looked into her eyes.

"You like it?" She grabbed my body and yanked it to the bed.

"Very." She rubbed my erection from overtop of my jeans. I grunted.

"You're killing me here!" She giggled as she undid my jeans and yanked them down. My dick sprang free. She wrapped her fingers around my erection and moved her hands up and down in a fast motion. I groaned. I felt like I was going to come. I grabbed her wrist and yanked her pants down along with her underwear and sweater that was tied around her waist. I couldn't wait any longer. I drove into her. I went in fast but gentle motions not wanting to hurt the twins in her womb. We grunted and moaned. We exploded in union and collapsed. She looked up at me.

"I love you." I smiled. That will never get old.

"I love you too." I sighed. "We should probably get back to the party before everyone starts wondering where the Birthday girl is." She nodded and got dressed in her baggy sweater to hide her growing stomach, then made our way back to the party.

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