Chapter 22

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I ran into the bathroom. I couldn't be pregnant could I? I hadn't had my period this month yet so... Nope. Not happening. I did exactly as the tests told me too and did them all. I ran to my room at sat beside Knife holding all four tests in my hand. A few minutes later, I had the courage to look at it. Four positive signs. I burst out crying. Knife grabbed ahold of me and squeezed me tight against his chest. I handed him the tests. He looked at them and put it down on my dresser. I bawled. A few minutes later Knight came in the room. He saw me crying. Worry was etched all over his face.

"What happened?" Knife grabbed the tests and handed them to Knight. His eyes widened. He sat beside Knife and I and kissed my head. "I'll leave you two alone." He got up and left. I was going to be a mom. One thing for sure was I was not giving it up.  Knife grabbed my face.

"Are you okay?" He brushed a stray hair from my face. I looked up at him.

"I'm not ready to be a mom." I shook my head as he swiped his thumb across my face catching my tears.

"I'll be with you through it all." I kissed him and sat in his lap. He pulled me close.

"Let's not tell anyone but our close friends and family. Let's wait." He nodded. "Let's go get ready for the party." I sat up and grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs. Everyone stopped talking and looked at us. Rose walked up to me.

"Are you?" Tears fell down my cheek. I sniffled and wiped my cheek. Her eyes went from worried to sympathetic. "You poor thing!" She grabbed me and pulled me close into a hug. Rhys, Chase and Dad looked confused. Knight pulled me into a hug.

"You don't need to tell them if you don't want to, you know?" I nodded my head. Then looked at everyone in the room.

"You all promise to not tell a soul what I am going to tell you. This is our job to do so, when we want. Okay?" The confused three just nodded their heads as I sat down on Knifes lap on the couch. "Well the thing is... um..." Knife tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Want me to tell them?" I nodded my head then leaned it on his shoulder.

"We wanted to tell you guys that..." I took a deep breath. "That Raine is pregnant." Rhys and Chase looked completely shocked. Dad on the other hand looked like he was going to kill someone.

"What do you mean she's pregnant. It's probably wrong. They're not one hundred percent true! Not always." More tears formed in my eyes. Knight came to my rescue.

"No, she is pregnant. She took four tests to prove it! Now, stop being a dumbass and be supportive of her!" Everyone looked at Knight. Roses eyes went wide.

"How do you know she took four tests?" I looked at her. She seemed offended we told him first.

"He's my brother. He's always been there for me since we were born. He will always be the first to know everything I do." Her eyes softened and she nodded her head.

"So we're not telling anyone?" Knife and I shook our heads.

"Not until we're ready." Dad glared at Knife.

"You know your mom was a triplet, right? Your grandma was a twin. You know that? Your probably gonna pop out multiples. If you do, I'm here for you." Knife looked happy yet scared. If there are twins on the way. We'll need all the help we can get.

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