Chapter 5

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My alarm went off.  First day of school! Ugh! It took ten minutes for me to finally roll out of bed. I grabbed a white shirt with pink splotches and a V shape down the back, jeans and my leather Death Chasers jacket. I straightened my hair last night but had to straighten a few, this morning, that had curled over the night. I put on a touch of makeup and was ready to go. I ran downstairs. Knight was already there. He wore a shirt that had a picture of the purple devil emoji and the words 'I swear i'm a good student' and the leather Death Chasers jacket. Why he wears this on his first day of school. I have no idea. Elvis came out of the pantry with syrup in hand.

"Good morning. Have a good sleep?" I nodded. "I made pancakes. Eat up." He handed me a stack of pancakes. I devoured them all almost immediately. The bandaged tattoos on my wrists didnt hurt anymore. I didn't think that would heal in a day but i'm not taking off the bandages until Elvis says. I'll ask anyway.

"Should the tattoos be held by now?" Elvis looked at me.

"You two could take the bandages off. It'll be a bit tender though." We pulled them off as he motioned us towards the door. "Have fun! Go to school! Don't be late!" We slipped on our leather boots to go with the bike and jacket and headed out the door towards our bikes. I swung one leg over. I started it.

"Race you!" I sped off with Knight on my heels.


The drive only took five minutes to the high school and of course I won the race. Eyes darted towards Knight and I as we pulled into the same parking stall, side by side. As we got off our bikes, whispers surrounded us. We slowly got closer toward each other's sides on the way in. People looked either terrified of us or they were checking us out. We got through the doors and people made a path for us. What's so wrong with MC's. We got to the front office and the receptionist didn't even look up as we got closer.

"How can I help you guys?" She kept typing in her computer.

"Schedules for Knight and Raine Hays." She looked into a drawer beside her and grabbed two papers I assume are our schedules. She finally looked up as she handed it to us. Her eyes widened and she immediately went back to her computer.

"Have a nice day!" Her voice shaky.

We walked out into the hallways as the bell rang for kids to go to first period. I looked at my schedule then at Knight.

"What do you have first period? I have Mr.Beetle. Whose name is Mr.Beetle?" Knight smiled.

"I know, right? Anyway I got the same class. To Computer Science!" We got to the class a little bit late. The teacher wasn't there yet. Good. we walked inside and all the chatter stopped. I looked around. That's when I realized I was the only girl. All of a sudden boys started pushing the dudes beside them out of their chairs. They all just stared in awe as my female self crossed their paths. There was an empty row in the back except for the one guy hidden in the corner paying attention to only his computer. I went into the back and pulled Knight behind me. I sat beside the loner and pulled off my jacket. Knight did the same. Growls erupted all over and stopped abruptly as the teacher walked in. Knight patted my shoulder.

"There's a Bunny outside. It's so cute." he was so childish. He was supposed to listen to the teacher. I slapped him in the back of the head. "Ow!" the teacher stopped and looked up. He caught our gazes. His eyes slowly drifted from Knights to mine.

"Sorry sweetheart. You're in the wrong class. Never seen you before." He gave a cocky grin. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"I'm in the right place Mr.Beetle and I'm new. Started today." He gave a ugly mocking pouting face.

"Sorry sweetheart. Still sure you're in the wrong class. Probably got my name off the board." I saw Knight hack into the school's account and put on Mr. Ashley Sidney Beetles attendance. Ha! Ashley Sidney.

"Hey Beetle, just check your attendance." he pretended to scroll down.

"Sorry not here." He smiled. It was getting annoying.

"Listen up Ashley Sidney Beetle. You don't even know my name. " He scowled as laughs erupted. I sat on Knights lap as I looked at his attendance and started reading. "Tamlin Armstrong, Lucien Bateman, Marcus Batman, Brett Carys, John Goodwin, Knight Hays..." I paused for effect. Ashleys scowl deepened. "Oh! Look! There it is! Raine Hays after Knight Hays, before Sawyer Jenson. Are you sure I am not there... Ashley?" I looked beside me to see loner trying really hard not to laugh. Ashley walked towards me and plopped a pink slip in front of me and Knight.

"That is for Hacking into the school network and being disrespectful to a teacher." He looked at me as he made his way back to the front. I just smiled and looked at Knight. He smiled as he realized I was up to something.

"Hey Knight, I don't think daddy will like us having detention. It would mess with his schedule." His eyes widened as he got what I was doing.

"No I don't think he would. Dad doesn't like when people messes with his schedule. We have to feed Hedgie before we head to help him out at his work only fifteen minutes after school ends." I stifled a giggle. He always brought up Hedgie whenever he could. We both looked at Ashley.

"Sorry sir. You can't give us detention. You're messing with his schedule. I don't think you'll like messing with him." I looked at Knight and he smirked. Ashley just glared at me.

"And who might your father be?" I looked at Knight.

"I'm cold! Knight can you hand me my jacket."The loner burst out laughing then covered his mouth to stop. I smiled at him. He smiled back. Knight handed me my coat and I stood up turned around so Ashley could get a good view of my back. I put on my jacket. His gasp was so loud, everyone in North America could hear it. I turned around and grabbed the pink slips sitting on in front of me and Knight. I skipped to to the front of the class and handed him the pink slips. He still stood open mouthed in shock. I winked at him. "Thank you so much for understanding, Ashley!" I walked back to my desk whistling the Indiana jones theme song. No one could hold it in any longer. They all burst out laughing. I smiled triumphantly. I sat down. Loner turned to me.

"Glad someone finally put him in his place." He smiled and I think I blushed I don't know. He was cute! Black short wavy hair, piercing blue eyes, dark skin, geeky looking glasses and a Batman shirt. Nope! He wasn't cute! He was geeky hot!

"Thank you." I flipped my hair and turned to him. "Names Raine. Raine Hays."

"Names Peter. Peter Wild but everyone who knows me calls me Knife. My dad's in the club too. I never wore the child's patch because I thought people would make fun of me and judge me but I think I change my mind. I'll wear mine tomorrow." He laughed at my expression. It was a mix between shock and happiness. "Why don't you and your brother hang out with me and a few of my friends at lunch? To be brutally honest, I don't have many." His face scrunched. I laughed. The bell rang.


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