Chapter 27

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I turned quickly, to see a figure rise from in front of the fire. "I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone was in here" I whisper quickly "I can leave, I'm sorry" I turn and reach for the door. I wasn't in the mood for anyone to see me like this.

"This room is big enough for the two of us... Are you crying?" I couldn't stop the sniffling. I wrapped my arms around my waist as I looked down, shielding my face from his sight.

"I'm fine" I add quickly. "I just wanted a moment alone" I wipe my cheeks quickly noticing James' moving closer to me I tried to move backwards, but I was still near the entrance of the room, my back hit the door.

"You are not fine, what is wrong?" His hand reaches to touch my elbow, but I flinch.

"Please, don't touch me." I hiss holding my arms to my chest in protection, taking a step back.

"What's wrong, tell me this instant" I was grateful for the dim lights in the room, so he couldn't see my red cheek.

Knocking sounds at the door. My heart stopped as fear struck my body shuffle away from it. "Please, tell him I'm not here" I pled in a soft whisper, moving away from the door.

He nodded confused and opens the door. "Cousin, how can I help you?" James asked in a bored tone. I could see the light from the hallway eliminate James' face, I hid further behind the door, careful not to make a sound.

"I was just looking for my wife. I think she went off on one of her walks, but she hasn't returned yet and now I'm worried. You wouldn't have seen her by any chance?" Luke asks. He sounded so natural telling lies, that I questioned how many times he had done so before.

"No, I haven't actually. I'll let you know if she passes by." James lies effortlessly. I smile gratefully for his help. "Is everything alright?" he asked again acting concerned.

"Were fine but, you mind if I come in and check?" Luke asks. My heart stopped, I closed my eyes praying that I would just disappear.

"Don't disrespect me, cousin. Why would I lie to you about Elenore's wellbeing? We both know how I feel about her. If you would excuse me I have matters to attend to. But please feel free to summon my guards to help in your searches" James snapped, then added in a monotone voice.

"Yes, thank you" Luke left and the door was closed. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Now you have to tell me what the matter is. Something is not adding up Elenore" he lectures from his position.

"He hit me, okay? He hit me" I hiss. "That stupid, jealous bastard cares more about his reputation than about me, or the child that he thinks is his" I ramble on in a sob. I felt so mad, that I fell for his act.

There was a long silence before James whispered "What happened, I can't help you if I don't know what happened? Come sit down?" I followed him to the chairs set around the heath of the roaring fire.

My eyes focused on my cold fingers. "I felt some pain early this morning, and so I called the doctor to come check if I was alright. I did it behind James back because I didn't want to anger him if he knew it was his fault. James found out that the doctor and I had met and so he got mad. Really mad and said that he didn't trust me alone with men because I hadn't been a virgin when we wed." I explain not even bothering to take a breath to rest. I had to tell him everything, is there anything that could be done to save me it was the king.

"What do you mean if he knew it was his fault?" James asked leaning forward.

I blushed looking down again. "Last night we." I trailed off knowing he would fully understand my description. I didn't want to say anything more, I felt sick saying anything more.

"Oh." He sighed.

"He wasn't gentle either" I add. "I told him to stop, I didn't want him to hurt our baby. Please don't let me go back to that man" A new wave of tears rolled down my cheeks. "Please" I begged.

"I'll see what I can do my dear. But in the mean, while we need to keep you out of sight from anyone until searches have stopped. Unfortunately for us, I made sure my men are well trained and determined to succeed in their task".

"Thank you" I whispered leaning back on my chair in relief.

"I'm going to call for some food. Just wait here" he smiled walking over to the bell.

The rest of the night was a blur. After eating, I fell asleep on a makeshift blanket bed by the fire. I couldn't risk leaving this room. My body wasn't comfortable on the floor, but my heart was, knowing that I could be way from Luke here.

The next morning, I find a tray of food and take a few bites of bread and a sip of tea. I need to use the powered room desperately and so I go to the hidden door and happily find a chamber pot inside.

James came back around mid-afternoon while I was happily reading one of his books. "I will charge my cousin with treason. Fate is on our side when I found out he was the one leaking information to the Spaniards in order to speed up the wedding. Apparently, he was threatening the king. With this I can hang him" he explains.

"Dead?" I gasp. "I don't want him dead" My mind is running wild.

"Well it's no longer your choice my dear. The council has voted upon it and he will be imprisoned today." I don't know what to say. I take a deep breath and close my book. Today my husband dies, how is one supposed to feel knowing that fact?

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