Chapter 8

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Waking up I felt fingers running through my hair. Picking by heady up I saw that I was lying on the king's bare chest. "Good morning" he smiled.

"Good morning" I blushed sitting up to cover myself. I looked around his chambers to notice the fire ablaze at the end of the bed.

"mm. I was thinking" the king started. I felt fingers drawing patterns on my lower back." That perhaps you would like to join me again tonight?" He asked his voice soft and rough from sleep.

"Surely you are sick of me by now my king" I laugh back. "But I'm afraid I will be returning at the Groverton Estate. I have agreed to attend their party" I sigh.

"And when do you return?" he sulks.

"In two weeks. I apologize I accepted this invitation months ago. Perhaps I can message them to decline their offer?" I ask.

"No, you must carry out your engagements" he adds quickly. I watch him jump out of bed and slip on his trousers.

Unable to contain the burst of giggles, a few seep past my lips. His head snapped towards me halting my giggles, but my lips give way to a grin. "James, I was joking. Do you really imagine my father to allow me to leave just as we arrived at court?" I asked with a soft smile sitting up.

A smile spread over his lips. "Well, then I will see you tonight then. I'm afraid I have a rather busy schedule today and haven't the time for tea or anything but after the feast, I will be feasting on you" he grins.

Pulling myself out of the bed I slip my nightgown and robe back on. "Everyone would be awake by now. I cannot come out of this room in my nightdress" I panic forgetting my usual routine.

"Ring the bell and tell the servant to fetch your ladies maid to bring you your day dress. Tell her to be discreet then you may leave untarnished." He laughs. Knowing full well of my terms.

I nod and smile walking over to the bell I ring it and almost instantly a servant enters the door. "Can you get Rose to bring me my blue day dress and other necessities. Ask her to be discreet about it please" I smile the servant nods and scurries out.

I feel two hands on my waist. "You should never pull a trick like that again alright" he whispered pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

I role my eyes childishly before facing him, "Of course your highness" I smile looking forward. "Do you want me to help you get ready for your day?" I asked turning around.

"That is not your job."

"Well, I have no idea what my job is your highness. I don't mind. " I smile walking over to the wardrobe I find linen shirts, blazers hung up. I pull out a white shirt, a deep red blazer with gold detailing and black trousers. "Will this do?" I ask.

"Yes, that will do quite well." He smiled softly. Neatening up his shirt I slip the many layers on adjusting them to sit just right. I can feel his eyes fixed on my movements, but I ignore them. Brushing my hand down his arm I grasp his hand and lead him to his vanity table where I come back his hair softly. "So, then what exactly is my job? To open my legs by night and slumber in the day?" I asked focused on the task.

"Something like that. Plus teas and lunches with me. And perhaps open your gorgeous legs for me during the day" he laughs. My heart stung. I forced my heart to not be wounded by his comments, I had to remember what I was here for, I was here to serve.

Trying to ignore his comments, I put the brush down. The door opens in a hurry as my ladies maid scurried in. "Thank you" I smile "if you just help me with my corset I can do the rest on my own," I tell her.

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