Chapter 6

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I woke up feeling radiant, after a warm bath and a fresh set of clothes. I was ready to have tea with the king. Wrapping the book in a silk cloth I bid my parents good morning.

"You look beautiful today my dear, what are your plans?" Father asked smiling up from his bread and jam.

"Good morning father, mother. The king invited me to tea. I best be going" I bow quickly before walking out quickly. Both my parents grinned from ear to ear.

As I was walking down the hallway, I did not feel nervous to meet the king. In fact, I was rather excited. Last night it was his hands I imaged caressing my skin. And now that I understand the feeling and the idea of making love, it didn't seem so scary anymore.

"Lady Elenore, the king wishes me to escort you to him" a man announces as he meets in front of me as I am pulled out of my daydream.

Nodding quickly, I respond "Yes, thank you. Please lead the way" I smile politely to the man, I was grateful, I hadn't any idea od where I was going.

I walked into the room with the uniformed man's announcement "Lady Elenore, your highness" with that announced I bowed down.

"Ahh, my lady please rise. You needn't be so formal when we are alone" he smiled. I noticed his hair messy as if he had spent his morning running his fingers through it.

"Good morning my king" I smiled politely. "I brought you back your book. You told me it was a favorite of yours" I said holding it up to him.

"And your opinions my lady?" He asked placing it on the nearby table, unwrapping the silk cloth. I watch as he runs his finger along the golden words.

"It was very different my lord. I have never read anything like it. Although I found it quite enjoyable" I reply looking down.

"Mm, I am glad to hear." I watched him lick his lips as he grinned studying the red cover. "Please have a seat Lady Elenore" he reached out his hand.

"Thank you, your highness" sitting down gently I watched him take a seat.

Only now could I notice that he was not wasting his intricate royal dress but a modest red suit and lack of a crown. "Tea?" He asked?

"Please, milk and one sugar please?" I smiled softly.

"A sweet tooth misses?" He asked pouring the warm tea and tipping in a dash of milk and a cube of sparkling white sugar. He was smiling as he passed me the steaming cup.

"Thank you" I smiled taking the teacup and saucer gently from his hands. Taking a silver spoon to mix the contents. "Your palace is beautiful" I add softly

"I am glad to think so. I must confess My lady, my intentions to invite you here today were quite selfish" he confessed before sipping his tea. Black and sugarless.

"Oh?" I asked placing my cup down.

"Ever since you stepped into my court I have noticed your radiant cheeks. Then you amaze me by swimming in my great lake and reading in my private library"

"I apologize your highness, it was not my intention to offend you" I add quickly putting my cup down.

"You did not. You amazed me" he adds

"I?" he had lost me with his declaration. No one had ever been so forward with me before.

"I want you to serve as my new mistress Lady Elenore. I am without a wife or woman to warm my bed. You would honor me if you agreed" he was watching me closely. My heart was in my throat I felt sick with worry.

The King Who Loved MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant