Chapter 30

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The Spanish Princess was locked up in the dungeons. And I was locked up in my rooms. James told his advisors that I was carrying his child, and therefore there were guards stationed at my door.

I knew he didn't do that out of pride, but because if something would happen tonight, England needs an heir. I sat on the bench by the windowsill watching people run around the castle grounds.

"Come away from there before you catch a chill" mother cooed.

"I hate this" I sobbed softly. "This is all my fault. If James dies tonight. I, I wouldn't not have only killed one man but a king as well" I sub my belly hoping that my baby's presence will keep me calm, it just made my heart break more.

"Hush child. The king is a noble and brave king who will win victory for our nation as he has done time and time again. Fear not child." Mother smiles.

Sleep did not meet me tonight. My eyes watched the flames in the heath. My whole family was here. Except for George who decided to stay with Lily and her family tonight.

When day broke the next morning, I heard knocking from the door. "Elenore! Elenore!" My heart kept as I raced over and unbolted the heavy doors. To see James. His armour tinted with blood his hair matted with sweat.

Despite his dishevelled look, I had never seen a more handsome man, tears broke from my eyes as he enclosed me in a hug "I had to make sure you were okay" he whispered

"If anything happened to you" he pressed me tighter to his chest.

"If anything, happened to you" I sobbed softly. "Oh James, thank God. Thank God a thousand times over that you are here" I cried in happiness.

He pulled away and smiled sadly. I his eyes flickering shit for only a moment. He was in pain. "James!" I yelled. He looked pale and ill. "James speak to me James!" I yelled "what is wrong" I asked watching his knees buckle and fall to the floor.

"Someone help!!! Help me!!! Help the king!" I yelled loudly holding James hand for support.

Before long, people flocked over and brought him to his chambers. I followed and stood back watching the doctors tend to him and clear his wounds. I watched as they took his clouds off that his body was brushed. But right in the side of his hip, there was a large, deep wound.

I approached the bed slowly and held his right and, giving the doctors room to clean and tend to his left hip. "James" I whispered brushing his hair off his forehead. "stay strong James" I whispered again. Someone handed me a cloth and a basin of water I began cooling his feverish head with soft movements.

"Stay strong for your country, stay strong for your baby, stay strong for me" I choked as years clouded my vision. His eyes were sealed shut his body was pale and his heartbeat was soft.

I lay my body down next to his and closed my eyes with his hand pressed to my chest. Please lord, give him strength. I prayed before letting my exhaustion take over me.

I woke up when I heard loud chattering. I lifted my head and wiped my eyes before looking down at James. His colour seemed to be returning but he was still very much out of it. Grateful for my loose maternity dress I pulled the pins from my hair letting it flow down.

"Is he any better Doctor?" I asked watching the man feel his head.

"I believe so miss. His highness is strong." He smiled. I nodded and stood up to stretch my legs and sit down and mend the dying fire.

"Where is he?" My mother in law ran in and went straight to James bed. "How does he doctor?" She asked sitting beside her nephew.

I focused on my task at hand and fixed the fire before sitting down. The maids must have noticed my weakness as before long porridge was brought to me. ", Elenore, what are you doing here? Looking like that?" I heard her hiss.

"I am tending to the king. "I explain.

"But it is improper for a married woman to sleep in the king's bed with him? What were you thinking?" She hissed.

"That this babe deserved its father" I hissed back. Maybe due to lack of sleep or worry. But I regretted those words as soon as they left my lips.

"What?" She shouted.

"I haven't been entirely honest with you" I admit. "Perhaps we sit down, and I'll explain" she follows looking to baffled to respond.

"When I arrived, James took interest in me. He asked me to be his mistress. Him being king, o could not refuse. After one night, both our feelings grew. I loved James. But when I heard of his arrangements with Spain I broke things off with the help of Luke. Luke was a good friend to me. I loved your son. When we married he was not the man I had affections for. I was unhappy, and so the night before his execution we fought, and I ran from him. Luke scared me. And I was worried about my baby. I hid in James Library where he found me. He promised he would do something about it, I didn't want Luke to die. I just wanted to be away from him." Tears fell from my cheeks. "James told me that his advisors had found something. That even without me coming to him, they would have found your son's treason." I explained.

"No. I don't believe you!" She stood up and fleece the room. Gulit lifted off my shoulders. I didn't have to lie any more.

I love James. I stood up and walked to his bed. And no-one or nothing could take that away from me.


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