Chapter 17

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I was healing quickly, or at least that's what mother told me. Luke was by my side fussing over every fiver of my being, checking if I required food, more blankets or anything. "Calm down Luke" I laughed as he rearranged my hair for what seemed like the hundredth time. "I am fine" I smiled softly up at him. And I was. "My darling. You didn't get any sleep last night I can see it" I whispered taking his hand. "Go sleep. And I will see you tomorrow when I come meet your parents" I assured him.

"We can postpone the wedding" he added quickly stroking my cheek.

"No. It's not till four days. And everything is ready. I want to marry you soon" I kissed his hand.

"But I don't want to stress you. The doctor said you collapsed because you were overwhelmed" he whispered.

"No, I collapsed because my damned corset was too tight. I feel absolutely fine." In the end he left reluctantly, and so finally I was able to slide out of bed. I took my dressing robe and tied it around my body and walked into the main room to find my family sitting around the heath of the fire.

My father and brother looked exhausted and worried. Mothers expression too held worry. "What happened?" I ask, making my presence known.

From their expressions none of them expected my appearance out here. None the less I walked quickly over to the empty chair before they could begin to worry and fret. I watched mother and father exchange a glance.

"What happened?" I repeat looking between the three.

"You shouldn't be worrying yourself in your state sister" brother intervened. Them keeping quiet was making me worry more.

"Please tell me" I looked at him.

"The king." he started.

"Hold your tongue boy!" Father snapped quickly.

"The king what, father?" I directed my question to him. "Is something the matter with him?" I asked looking between the three.

"Elenore, the king has confined himself inside his chambers. Rumours suggest that he is as drunk as a sailor" mother added quickly knowing I would search the whole castle for answers.

"Why, when did this happen?" I asked quickly looking desperately between them. Mother bit her lip nervously, brother looked down. Father avoided my gaze. It was because of me. My heart stopped for a moment. "It was after he saved me wasn't it?" I asked. Knowing the answer. But why? He saved me, he should be happy after how much he made it out of the feelings he felt to me. That he loved me, more than just his mistress, or lady in his court. Enough to blind his mind from marring a woman who would benefit his country and form a much-needed alliance.

It all hit me at once, like a rack of stones and bricks. He never did like my relationship with Luke. He was jealous, he was mad at me. At the both of us.

Feeling drained o stood up quickly "Excuse me, I suddenly feel emotionally drained. I shall retire now"

"Elenore" brother objected.

"Good night" I nodded to him. Before entering my room. Closing the door. My legs collapsed as my knees met with the floor. Tears rolling down my cheeks as my heart ached.

I had broken, a man. A king. I felt so selfish, thinking about my needs. The needs of my country.Morning came quickly. And I readied myself to meet Luke's family. I had to make myself presentable and look worthy enough to be wife of a Marquess.

I wore a light blue dress and my hair was lined up with a blue pin. My body was powdered and scented.

Before I knew it, my heart was racing as I bowed down to my new family in-laws. "Elenore, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. My son has told me so much about you" his mother smiles.

"Good things I hope" with a soft smile my eyes meet Luke's.

"Of course." She laughs.

"It wounds me to see how much trust you have in me Elenore" he smiles teasingly as we follow his parents into the dining room.

The table was set for an extra person the king. This didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the party who questioned his absence "I'm afraid the king. Was feeling under the weather tonight." I explained as we all took out seats. No one questioned it further as we all began to eat.

I was seated next to his older brother who seemed very interested in his brother's life at the palace "Prey tell my lady, what are some embarrassing things my little brother has done here in the palace?"

"Nothing that I've seen. Your brother enjoys a good game but nothing embarrassing I'm afraid" I laugh back exchanging the light pleasantries.

"mmm. Well then you will need to know a thing or two before marring the bloke" he says with a sly smile. "When he was just ten I think." he started.

"George" Luke hisses from across the table. I giggle at his discomfort intrigued at this now extremely valuable information.

"Now I am intrigued" I smile at Luke.

"Worried I'll scare her away?" He asks. I laughed, watching Luke sink into his chair.

"It's alright Luke. I'll get it out of you sooner or later" I smile before continuing my food.

Before long, his mother and I retired to the drawing room for some tea, while Luke, his father and brother remained in the dining room for some scotch and cigars. "Luke seems to be very fond of you, I hope your feelings are genuine. He has always been more of a passionate boy." His mother warned.

"Forgive my bluntness but my feelings for your son are genuine. Ever since I arrived here, it has all been so different and so new. But ever since I met your son. I have felt a sense of belonging. I care for Luke very much" I smile down looking at my ring.

"I am glad" she smiles. "I am happy he found a woman like you. He never seemed to like any of the other ladies he met at court. " She chuckles.

"He told me." She laughed back. The door widened, and the men walked in. Luke seemed pleased that both his mother and I were laughing before he arrived.

"So, what have you done for your wedding gown?" She asked.

"The king kindly sent his royal dressmakers to me. And they made the most extraordinary dress. They didn't allow me to pick colours or styles. Just took my measurements and brought me the gown days later.

"How kind of him. I look forward to seeing it." She smiled.

"Perhaps you can come tomorrow, I am having a final fitting. I am sure my mother would be very excited to meet you" I smiled politely.

"That sounds wonderful"

"I thought we were spending the day together?" Luke asked quickly.

"Nonsense, it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding" his mother added quickly, brushing the absurd notion under the carpet. I sent Luke an apologetic smile before continuing the conversation with his mother.

I couldn't help but smile. My new family seemed very kind and welcoming.It seemed as if Luke's mother craves a daughter figure. And I would gladly oblige to fill it.

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