Chapter 5

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I joined the evening meal that night and made sure to appear to be polite and always talking to a person. That way the king wouldn't approach me so publicly. I could feel my brother's gaze on my back through the evening and decided to settle the situation once and for all.

I approached him. "Pray tell brother, what is your purpose to your scheme.?"

"Ahhha, a gentleman never tells, my dear sister" he chuckles taking a sip of his liquor

"Yes, but you are not a gentleman. Pray tell me the reason behind your scheme. Surely you must get something out of it? I never remembered you too be so oblivious to emotions" I asked with a raise of the eyebrow.

"People change over time. My dear sister. I have grown into a wiser man. Just mind, once you enter the Kings bed, your virtue will be ruined, and you will have to marry him. No man wants a spoilt wife" he smirks bringing the goblet to his lips.

"Ahhh.. Lady Elenore" the king mused. His voice tickling my spine causing me to turn around to meet his glance. The same glance I was trying to avoid. I hide my displeasure as I greet the monarch.

"My king" I bow. "To what do I owe you for this pleasure?"

"You have no idea what pleasure" he whispers under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I ask. I must have heard him wrong.

"I have delivered the book to your chambers. I hope you enjoy it. It's a personal favourite of mine" he adds with a smirk.

I feel heat devour my cheeks as my heartbeat quickens. "Thank you for being considerate your highness" I mutter hiding my embarrassment. "You didn't have to go through the hassle" My eyes meet with fathers across the room. His orbs urging me to continue talking. "I hope your day was enjoyable your highness?" I ask.

"Mm... not as enjoyable as I would have hoped. But if you were to do me the honour of having tea with me tomorrow I am certain it shall be a better day" he smiles.

"If it will indeed bring you happiness. I would be more than delighted to oblige" I force myself to smile back softly. I couldn't help but consider his intentions.

"Mmmm.. you have a beautiful smile" he whispers softly. His breath tickling my warm cheeks. I hadn't realised the distance he closed between the two of us, behind the column we were hidden from prying eyes. I was unsure if it was a blessing or a curse.

"I.." I stutter not knowing what to say. "Thank you, your highness," I whisper back softly once finding my voice. "Please, you flatter me too much" I add taking a step to the side, to create some distance.

A man comes by an announces himself as Duke of Greentech. "Your highness, forgive my intrusion but the Ambassador to France would like a word." I was grateful by his words, spending the time to compose myself better.

"Can it not wait. I was promised until Sunday to have a reply to France" he snapped back, catching both the Duke and I by surprise.

"I'm afraid not your highness. He stressed that it is urgent" he adds with apologetic eyes.

Feeling sorry for the duke, I decide to intrude by smiling at the king politely. "I will meet you for tea your highness. Please don't allow me from keeping you from your duties." I bow quickly, excusing myself.

The king nods and follows the Duke away. Keeping my head bowed I walk out of the dining room towards my chambers.

I let out a laugh as I spot something on my bed, there laying on the fur blanket lies the red book. Licking my lips slowly I approach the book slowly before running my finger down its cover.

I begin to read after I undress into my chemise and slide into the warm sheets. The words transport me to a bedchamber.

Never had I felt such wonders, never had my body tingled from crown to toe in pleasure as to when I was found panting in the sheets, filled and dripping with the seed of my lover.

His blond hair clung to his sweat-coated forehead as he led down to kiss me. His lips devouring me, my breaths and my soul. Just like he had devoured me in our desperate act of love.

"Let me fill you again. Let me take you back to the land of the gods. Let me be drunk of your essence as you milk my manhood for all of its worth" my lover whispers.

My core tingles with delight as I feel my body prepare for his fatal entrance.

"Ravish me as if it were the last night on earth. Kiss me as if I were your life. Fill me as if you had nothing else to lose. But this time my love. You will watch me above you"

I closed the book. I had felt those tingles in the pit of my core. This is what I was expected to do with the king as his mistress. What did she mean about being filled?

As I pondered the thought I decided to ready myself for bed. As soon as I hit the pillow my mind was met with a restless sleep.

I awoke to the sound of conversation beyond my chamber doors. I recognised my brother and father conversing, my brother used to be such a happy kind lad as a child. We used to do everything together. But now, he has turned into a deceitful horrible man. I hadn't seen him for four years, ever since he was placed in that boarding school in London.

With my mind still reckless I sat up and continued reading the book. Cheeks bright red and body tingling as I devoured its words.

By the end. My eyes were sore and my head was filled with these sinful thoughts. This was the act to bed conducted between a husband and wife. Not an unwed woman and man. Pulling, my lip between my teeth, my eyes glanced to the door. Mother and Father will never know about the images in my head.

I slipped my hand between the sheets and into my nightgown. My fingers were met by the small bush of hair I had below. Letting my fingers slowly slide through and further down, an anticipating feeling filled my body as my fingers were met with some wetness. I let my fingers massage the folds of my core, before slipping a finger in slowly. A rush of pleasure shoots through my spine urging me to widen my legs and move my fingers faster and harder. I continued until I felt the feeling described in the book.

My teeth holding my lip to prevent the moans that would have left. My hair scattered over the pillows. Pulling, my dress down and my blanket up, I sunk back into a happy sleep.

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