Chapter 16

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King James Point of View:

Seeing Elenore on the floor, I didn't know what to do, for a moment my mind. went blank.

Then it flashed back, A soldier had fallen overboard, a soldier rescued him. Pumped his chest up and down, placed his lips on the unconscious, I could see his chest moving, he was giving him air. He began pumping at his chest again and then water spattered out of his lips as he took a deep breath.

"Move!" I yelled at my cousin's clutching her body. I pulled at her dress undoing the strings of her corset giving her room to breathe and access to her chest. I pulled the damned thing off and began pumping at her chest. I placed my lips on hers and breathed. I began pumping again. She didn't show any sign of life, I kept going.

Just as I was about to give up hope she gasped for air. "Fetch the doctor" I urged my cousin who scampered away. She was laying in my arms gasping. She tried to get up, but I held her down. "Calm down, you're alright now" I whispered.

"Your beloved Husband is coming with the doctor" I added trying not to let the jealousy be heard in my voice. Picking her up Gently. I placed her on the recliner sofa. With her sitting on the sofa and leaning on my chest I carefully placed pillows and laid her back. "Let's get this dress off?" I asked. She gave me a questioning look.

I clicked, her tainted mind. "No, you can properly catch your breath." It was already half off her, so I pulled it away and tossed it onto the floor. I Walked over to fetch a blanket from the other side of the room to cover her body. Her hand came up to rub her chest as she took soft breaths. "Have something to drink?" I suggested getting her now warm tea from the table to hand to her. She nodded with a soft smile.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"Don't thank me, it was my fault" I added quickly. I picked up her dress to lay it by her feet. "I'll get someone to fetch your family," I tell her.

"Oh, and Elenore, don't worry yourself about what we talked about," I assure her walking to the door to call a servant to fetch the family. Finally, Luke returned with the doctor. Elenore looked at the three of us shocked.

"Lady Elenore if I knew it was you I would have gotten her father" he placed his bag next to her, placing his hand on her head. "What happened?" He asked.

Luke turned to look at me, his eyebrows raised suggestively. "The lady and I were discussing some private matters when she got overwhelmed. Her corset prevented her from breathing properly so she was unconscious. I pumped her chest and here she is" I explained.

He nodded checking her over. "I see no reason to be alarmed. I would suggest a looser corset, my lady. If it weren't for you, your highness she would not have survived" he explained and bowed at me.

"That will be all doctor, thank you" he left. And Luke walked quickly to her side.

"Don't scare me like that again" he breathed taking her hands to place a kiss. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked.

"I am fine. Thank you, your highness, I am indebted to you" she nodded at me.

"Nonsense, it was my fault. Please excuse me. I am in need of a turn about the gardens" I explained. Seeing them this close made me angry. Jealous even. I needed to get out of there. I'm walking briskly I made it to my bedchambers, my mind set on a crystal bottle filled with whiskey. Opening filling a glass to the brim, I lazily slopped down onto the couch by the fire. My lips aching to taste the awful stuff. My throat aching for the burn. Taking large gulps, I was finally able to relax.

I could feel the world slow down. I needed everything to slow down. To just pause a moment until I could catch up with life. My heart was already still unhealed from the last heartache to deal with another, to deal with Elenore.

I was there. It was beautiful. My heart aches for a moment. I could feel the soft ache in my chest as two round tears rolled down my cheeks. "Oh come on James, won't you come to play with me?" A soft childish giggle came. The short girl had her curls in little ringlets, her eyes as bright as the stars. "I can't Alice. Mother said Princes aren't allowed to play" I had replied back. Alice gave me a disappointment look before releasing a rough string of coughs. But none the less she slipped away.

I tipped my head back as I downed the rest of the drink. The memories were far too painful to handle sober.

"What's wrong with her?" I cried as he saw Alice the next day. Her face covered in little red bumps, that was forming into painful sores. Her skin was a ghostly grey, and her eyes were hazed over with tears. Her skin was burning hot and sweat made her beautiful ringlets stick to her face.

"Get out Little Prince" The nurse yelled "Or you'll be I'll too" she yelled.

That night I couldn't sleep, so I crept around the palace, and I heard the nurse explain to my mother "I don't think she will make it till mornin' your highness. It's the plague. We need to get her out before anyone else gets sick. Mother started coughing. I could hear it, it sounded rough and painful.

"Do what you must" mother whispered. I hid closer to the wall as she passed me quickly. A candle held in her hand. From that light, I could see blood on her fingers.

The next day, my baby sister died. Following her. Mother died too.

I stood up and tossed the cup against the wall. My knees gave up as I allowed myself to fall to the ground in my own self-destruction.

If I had noticed the way Alice coughed that day in the garden. How the side of her lip seemed to have a droplet of blood. How mother's hands were coated in the stuff. I would have them here.

No, it was better Elenore stay away. If something had happened to her, I wouldn't know what to do. My life would be worthless. 

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