Chapter 13

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My feet had completely healed by the end of the week, just in time for the ride Luke promised me. I needed it more than ever, as the king didn't seem to stop wanting me in his bed.

I had delivered him with the excuse that I was currently menstruating. That was not usually something I would share around to anyone but my mother, but I needed to come up with something to buy me more time out of his chambers.

Father seemed quite content at my settling with a member of the royal lineage, and so didn't fuss to much about me refusing to bed the king. Mother on the other hand wanted me married as soon as possible so that I could go off on a honeymoon and leave court life behind. I think she could see that all the dramatic life here was taking its toll on me.I couldn't agree with my mother more. I needed to get out of here.

I was walking around the gardens with my brother, "That was quite a night"

"Agreed. When mother told me that we were coming to court I never imagined that I would get so much attention. I think that's why I took a liking to the young doctor, and then the king. I was just joked on the childish notion of love" I laughed humourlessly

"The Marquess. You don't love him?" He asked.

"I don't know that I do, I don't know that I don't. All I know is that he was there for me, he makes me laugh, he understands me. And I am content with marring him on that. I believe a love will grow" I smile.

"What happened to my foolish little sister?" He laughed.

"She grew up. How is your hunt for a spouse? Better than mine I hope?" I asked.

"Mm. Lady Lilly McJove has caught my eye. She is as quite as a mouse, but the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She doesn't seem interested in me or anyone else for that matter"

"Maybe she is just shy. I heard that the McJove's just arrived so perhaps she is not get accustomed to palace life yet?" I asked as we walked on the edge of the lake.

"Perhaps you are right" he added frustrated.

"I need to get going, I am going riding with Luke" I add happily as we hurry back to the castle. Ridding attire was not something I was used to but it seemed comfortable enough. Walking down the hallway I tucked in a loose strand of hair that hadn't managed to reach my low bun. The Black skirt and blazer didn't allow for my usual quick large steps.

"Ahh where do you think you are going my dear?" A voice said from behind. I knew that slaughterous voice all too well. My spine coiled as I tuned to greet the king.

"Your highness, please forgive me I didn't notice you in my rush" I bow. Lifting my head to father at his side.

"Where are you off to in riding attire. I didn't know you could ride a horse? But then again if my memory serves correct you would have had some practice" he added with an sly smirk.

My cheeks heat up, knowing full well what he was referring to. "I have never been on a horse before, my lord. I wouldn't want you to waste anymore of your time your highness, I am sure you and my father have matters to attend to" I bow again.

"Perhaps we can practice your ridding again Lady Elenore?" He asked extending his smirk. His lack of courtesy made me feel sick. I felt lucky for his engagement but felt sorry for the Spanish princess's misfortune in a husband.

"Thank you for the offer your highness, but I must decline" I nod politely "please excuse me" I bow again before continuing on my path.

Finally, I reached the stables to see Luke holding onto two horses "Finally my dear" he grins welcoming me into the animal smelling barn. The four-legged creatures seemed calm enough.

"Sorry, I was held back by the king on my way here" I add before giving his cheek a quick kiss. "That man is persistent" I add pulling away with displeasure.

"Come let's getting you up and ridding so we can forget that man. No more speaking of the king understood?" He declared fixing the saddle straps on the house and adjusting the strips.

I nodded. Before being lifted into a small grey horse. "All you have to do is hold this and relax. I have a rope on your horse, so you don't have to do anything but relax and enjoy yourself. I smiled happily noticing the baskets and bags attached to the back of his horse.

He elegantly jumped onto his much larger horse and we began to move. "I'll teach you one day, in our own home. For now, I want to get as far away from this place as I can" I nodded in agreement, allowing the house to jolt into motion. I enjoyed the soft swaying and the cool breeze.

"I didn't tell my parents I was going out with you today" I add nervously trying to make conversation.

"Mm.. why not?" He asked looking back at me with a frown.

"Because they wouldn't allow us to be alone before the wedding. I would have had to come with some old widow or something" I laugh trying to lighten the mood. I desperately wanted to get away from this palace and have a beautiful day with a beautiful man.

"Ahh, perhaps that was a good idea. I wanted to spend some time with you and get to know you better" he smiles down.

We finally approached a quaint picnic spot in a grass meadow with flowers scattered around. "What have you packed?" I asked as we laid out the blankets.

"We have cheeses, hams, buns, cake, wine and tartlets" he grinned happily displaying the large array of delights. I wasn't the hungriest but couldn't help but feel obliged to eat, after all the efforts he made to prepare the meal.

"You spoil me my dear." I laugh settling next to him. "It's a warm day, you wouldn't mind if I took of my riding jacket, would you?" I asked tucking my legs behind me and re-arranging my skirts.

"Not at all" he smiled laying out the food. "I didn't know what your favourite food was, so I tried to pack a variety. What do you like"

"Well for dinner I like roast lamb and potatoes. But I love strawberries and cream" I smile. "What about you?" I asked.

"Well those do sound amazing, but I like fresh bread with butter, or a game stew. I was never allowed to eat that expect when I was sick. Then our cook would sneak me up some in the middle of the night"

"I've made rabbit stew before, perhaps when we are finally wed I'll make some and sneak it up to you." I laughed tucking into a corner of bread.

"I am sure I would love anything g you made me." He smiled taking some bread and cheese. "I didn't know you could cook, not many ladies do" he smiled passing me some cheese

"Do you read?" I asked picking up a plate to lay my food on.

"Not as much as you, but a fair bit. I usually have to read documents, but I sneak in a novel here and there."

"I'm not sure if I have said this, but I am really excited to become your wife." I smile happily. And I could tell that I would be. Just Luke and I against the world.

"So, when do you want to get married?" He asked putting his food down beside him. His legs were stretched out in front of him, and his shirt had been unbuttoned, I did notice he left his neck tie and accessories at home, which I appreciated. He seemed more comfortable out here than I had ever seen him before.

"I don't want to wait too long," I add leaning over to press a kiss. I felt his hands grip my waist as he pulled me down with him.

"Let's wake up like this for the rest of our lives. With smiles and kisses" he smiles kissing my nose, I couldn't help but laugh at his romantic nature, I had never seen this side of a man before, well with the dominant exception of James. 

The King Who Loved Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें