Chapter 22

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I head knocking on my door. And went to go open it quickly. I had just set my tea out and was about to pour myself a cup. My eyes were met with the king, who wore a grin "Your highness" I bowed quickly. "Come in before anyone sees you" I open the door wider to let him enter.

"It sounds like your smuggling in a thief Elenore" he laughed looking around the room. His eyes focus back on to me. "Why aren't you going to the feast tonight?" He asked curiously.

"Just tired from travels," I state quickly. "And I had a feeling you would try to visit me" I laughed softly trying to ease the tension that had built up. "How have you been? Well, I hope" I ask. He looks a lot better than when I left.

"I am, thanks to you." He adds curtly. "And how was your honeymoon?" He asks.

"It was nice, Luke doesn't quite like the thought of our rooms being so close to yours," I stated matter of factly.

"Of course, he wouldn't. But do you like them?" He asked I could hint a sliver of hope waver in his voice.

"I love them. But you better get going before people notice your absence or Luke comes back" I state trying to urge him out the door.

"Alright. But I will find times to see you, Elenore." He kisses my hand before leaving. I hide a smile as I turn to drink some tea.

Food was brought in for me, I was thankful. Eating quickly and changing myself to go to bed. We hadn't gotten much sleep for the past week.

I was grateful when sleep met me quickly. Honestly, I didn't want to feel with Luke especially now after James' visit. Guilt filled me as I stomached my food. Luke couldn't know about James being here.

I woke up with the feeling of kisses on my shoulder. "Elenore" Luke whispered "Darling?" He tried.

I let out a soft moan turning and opening my eyes "Yes?" I whispered squinting from the bright light.

"Lady Lily wasn't feeling well. So, your brother told me to give you her apologise" He whispered tucking hair behind my ear.

"Did you have to wake me to tell me?" I ask rubbing my eyes annoyed. I had barely gotten any sleep during the honeymoon. I needed just one night to be able to mentally deal with my husband's new-found irritation for the male population.

"You fell asleep last night. We really have to try if you want children we."

"I said that I'm tired Luke" I mumbled Digging closer to the bed.

"Darling" he whined.

"I said I am tired" I snapped getting out of bed. I left and sat I in front of the fire watching the servant make the fire, tucking my legs under my body I let myself try to find sleep again.

She young girl apologised and moved faster "It's alright. I'm awake early. Take your time" I assured her, letting her break of twigs.

"Elenore, don't storm out on me" Luke's voice yelled. His loud voice woke me up, rising from my comfort I rolled my eyes and walked back into the room to pull on my bathrobe.

"You better get ready for your day Luke. I promised to spend the day with our mothers" I said looking through my dress collection. I pulled out my blue dress.

The one I wore to the engagement party, all those many moons ago. That life felt so far away. So simple. I envied the Elenore of those days. Before the king, Luke or any of it.

"Elenore, are you listening to me?" Luke asked. I shook my head and looked at him.

"Sorry, I was far away" I whispered, "you were saying?" I asked laying the dress on the bed.

"I was asking what you planned on talking to our mothers about?" He asked combing his hand through his hair.

"Whatever comes up I guess" I replied. The civil polite chat was something we still had to grow used to between us. I was so used to Luke's snide remarks that this level of politeness after our disagreement of odd. I never saw him as a reserved man, but then again, I knew very little about my husband before I married him.

He left to go eat breakfast in the dining all. I joined him later after I was put into my dress. I sat next to Lilly who gushed about my brother's romantics. I couldn't help but laugh. My brother romantic? I couldn't quite picture it.

"So, when will you have the wedding?" I asked taking a sip of tea.

"Not sure yet. He's just been so busy with the king's affairs we have discussed it yet." She explained.

"Didn't I tell you, that you would have caught a man's attention. Yet you did not believe me" I laugh.

"You knew all along?"

"Yes, I had to nudge both of you along. Both shy and too polite in an English sort of way" I rolled my eye. "Mind you don't rush into anything" I smiled softly feeling sorry for myself.

"Lady Elenore I wondered if you would take a turn about the gardens with me before we start our days?" A deep voice asked behind me. My heart stopped as I turned to meet the kings grinning face. I brought my eyebrows up in questioning. My eyes.

"I..?" I started. I couldn't have refused him. With everyone's attention on us. To be personally invited to spend time by the king himself was an honour. I nodded soft standing up.

"We will finish later Lilly" I smiled taking his extended elbow. "What are you doing?" I hissed as soon as we had left.

"Ruffling my cousin's feathers. Like he did to me" he grinned. "I'm joking I needed someone to talk to," he said on a serious note.

I nodded as we made our way outside. "I can trust you right?" He asked as we walked.

"Of course. I won't whisper a word of what you say to a single soul." I assured feeling curious.

"The reason I wanted you as my mistress and as my wife was that you reminded me of a girl when I was younger. She looked like you. She had your same free spirit and the same determination in her eyes. Then one day. She died, it was the plague they said. She was the only one not to look at me like a king but as a boy. You looked at me like that. You still do." He looked down.

I took his hand in mine reading him to let it out. "That's why I got so drunk. You deserve better than me. She deserved better than me. They all did."

"We don't deserve better. If you weren't engaged to the princess of Spain I would have married, you in an instant if that is what you would have wanted. Even though we had problems I still felt something for you. You had a place in my heart James, you still do" I smile.

"I do?" He whispers in disbelief.

"In another word. If you were just a boy and I a girl. I am certain we would have been more then what we are now" I smiled.

"What are we now?" He asks

"Friends. Best of friends." I smiled. "Now come on James, you have a country to rule" I smile in support.

I notice Luke standing by the window but that doesn't hide the smile on our faces. I don't care, because I have my love back    

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